The Beginning of a New Era

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John and the others were shocked at what Tails said. Their jaws even dropped all the way to the ground as their eyes started to twitch.

Alice:What are we gonna do?!

Banjo:We still have enough time to get our defenses built!

Steve:Already on it!

They then started building the defenses for when whatever it is coming their way shows up. They built different stationary guns, rocket launchers and different stuff to help them defend their homes from the threat.

SMG4:Alright, that's all of it!

John:Let's get ready to deal with whatever this thing is.

Eventually, an oddly shaped being showed up with hundreds to thousands of Master Hands surrounding it floating in the sky. John and Gabe then pointed their wispons at the being.

John:Don't let a single one get away!

Everyone got into fighting positions to take down the threat that comes their way. They notice that the being has very vibrant colors on it and noticed the army of Master Hands around it also.

Gabriel:We each need to take down about ten.

Zelda:Stow your fear. It's now or never!

Link:We'll win this. I know we will!

Eventually, the Master Hands started disintegrating and the blue energy goes towards the being's center, giving it power. John and the others were confused when they saw it was happening, but Smesh and the others know what happens afterwards.

Smesh:Guys! We may wanna try and run like hell!

But it was too late, once all the energy has been absorbed, the being fired several beams of light towards them, they were destroying any building in their way and when they got to everyone, they started trying to deflect the lights.

Link:*Keeps shield bashing the beams until he gets vaporized by one* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Gadget and Maria:*Fire their wispons and get vaporized* AHHHHHHHHH!

Zelda:*Puts up a protective shield in an attempt to stop it*

Gabriel:*Keeps shield bashing the beams*

Zelda and Gabriel:*Get vaporized* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Tails:*Gets vaporized* AHHHHHH!

Sonic:*Gets vaporized* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Shadow:*Keeps teleporting to avoid getting hit by gets vaporized* AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Bowser and SB123 Bowser:*Breathe fire and get vaporized* AHHHHHHHH!

Ladybug and the others:*Get ready to retreat but get vaporized* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Goku:*Instant transmissions and gets vaporized* AHHHHHHHHHHH!

Steve, Alex and Slenderman:*Get vaporized* AHHHHHHHH!

Kellen and the other inklings and octolings:*Shoot ink on the ground* AHHHHHH! *Go into their ink and get vaporized* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Tawna and the others:*Start flying away and get vaporized* AHHHHHHHH!

John and Gabe:*Use their grappling hooks to get away*

Rouge:*Starts to fly and gets vaporized* AHHHHHHH!

John and Gabe:*See the ropes break* WHOA! *Get vaporized* AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

SMG3 and Desti:*Get vaporized* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Mario and Meggy:*Try to run away and get vaporized* AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Knuckles and the others:*Get vaporized* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

During the event, Janet was flying away on a warp star and Ronin was running after her*


Ronin:*Grabs the star* FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!

Janet:*Dodges the beams* FUCK! FUCK!

Janet and Ronin:FUCK~!

Janet and Ronin then disappear as they went to another dimension, but the beams of light still destroyed everything in their way and turned anyone else around into dust, ultimately destroying the universe. It was the same for the entire multiverse. After that, the entire multiverse was destroyed, but it was then reborn later by the unknown being.

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