Attack on the Outback

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After all the slaves in K. Rool Farms have been freed and the facility's been destroyed, the Multiversal Heroes celebrated their victory against King K. Rool and his army. But they know that the fight isn't over yet. It's only just beginning. King K. Rool was still launching attacks in different parts of their world, but it was nothing they couldn't handle. In the ROOKIEZ base, Amy received a transmission from the Outback.

Shazza:If anyone can hear me, this is Shazza The Dingo. We need help with these Kremlings and weird goblin critters running around here! I don't know how long Ty, Sly and I will be able to keep this up! Shazza out!

Amy:Oh no!

Sonic:What's wrong, Ames?

Amy:King K. Rool's soldiers are attacking the Outback!

Sonic:I guess he's pissed after what we did to his meat factory.

Amy:Yeah, I'd think so.

Sonic:Well, Crash, Spyro and I will be heading there to help out.

Amy:Alright. Be careful!

Sonic then nodded and ran out of the base to find Crash and Spyro. He eventually found them in Inkopolis helping the citizens of the city settle in after being freed from slavery.

Sonic:There you two are. I was trying to find you.

Spyro:Is something going on, Sonic?

Crash:Yeah, is everything alright?

Sonic:Amy got a message from the Outback. King K. Rool's soldiers are attacking. From how she sounded, it's not going too well.

Crash:Sis! Do you think you and the others can help get these good people settled in?

Coco:Sure thing. What's up?

Crash:More of King K. Rool's guys are attacking the Outback.

Tawna:Oh no. He's probably planning on turning that place into another base.

Crash:Probably. Well, we're out of here.

Tawna:Be careful, baby.

After Crash hugged Coco and kissed Tawna goodbye, him, Sonic and Spyro then headed to the Outback.

Spyro:Crash, you've been there before did you?

Crash:Well, I used to live there. I was a normal bandicoot until Cortex captured me and turned me into this in an attempt to make me evil. He tried doing the same to Coco and Tawna, but it didn't work. Yeah, I know my way around there.

Sonic:Awesome! Now we definitely have the upper hand.

Crash:Well, here we are. The old Outback.

Crash then made the boat stop at a dock, allowing Sonic and Spyro to step out. Crash stepped out last and tied the boat to the dock so it won't float away.

Sonic:Alright, guys. Let's do this.

Crash and Spyro both nodded as the three then ran into the town to help fight. A Kremling soldiers fell to the ground, as he tried to get up, Sly kicked him back down and slit his throat. He looked up and saw a soldier running towards him, Sly threw his boomerang at the Kremling, knocking him to the ground. The boomerang then went back to Sly and he caught it.

Sly:Where the fuck is the help they're sending us, Shazza?!

Shazza:It's coming, Sly! *Punches a Kremling soldier* Just help Ty!

Ty:*Fires the guns at Kremling soldiers from his Battle Bunyip* Get the hell out of my town, Crocs!

Sonic:*Runs circles around the Kremling soldiers*

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