Where's Eri?

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It was three in the afternoon and John, Gabe and Rouge just came back from grocery shopping and as soon as they walked inside, Shadow, Omega and Janet ran up to them with Shadow having a panicked look on his face which was shocking to see him have that expression.

Shadow:Guys! Have you seen Eri?!

Rouge:Huh? We thought she was still here with you three.

Janet:No, we can't find her anywhere! Even Omega couldn't find her with his scanner!

John:Shit! And Deku and Uraraka just finished their combat training!

Gabe:Don't worry, I'm sure she's probably in the backyard!

Shadow:I checked and she isn't FUCKING THERE!!!

John:Shit, shit, SHIT! *Hyperventilating* Is this what a panic attack is like..?!

Gabe:Whoa, calm down, bro!

Rouge:Come on, baby. Breathe in and breathe out. Take deep breaths.

John started to take deep breaths and eventually started to calm down before they started to look around all over their house and the neighborhood they were in since they knew Eri wouldn't go far without them.

Shadow:We looked everywhere and we couldn't find her.

John:I don't even know how we're gonna tell Deku and Uraraka that we lost Eri and have no fucking idea where she is!

Omega:There is one location we haven't searched.

Shadow:What, Omega?

Omega:The guest room.

Gabe:That may be where she is the whole time! Let's go!

They all started to quickly go back to their house to see if she was there. When they returned to their home, they saw Midoriya and Uraraka already waiting outside of the house, thinking they're still inside.


Uraraka:Oh, hey!

John:Hey, guys! *Nervously chuckles*

Midoriya:How are you guys doing?

Shadow:We're fine. How was combat training?

Midoriya:It was good. Where's Eri? We came to pick her up.

John's thoughts:I can't do it... But, I have to.

John:Deku. Uraraka. Now that you mentioned Eri...look, she has been an angel. But when Gabe, Rouge and I left, she was in the house, when we came back, Shadow, Janet and Omega were in a panic trying to find her... *Tears up* ...but they couldn't find her. We tried to look around the house and around here, we couldn't find her. One place we haven't checked yet is the guest room we made for her.

Midoriya:Wh-What do you m-mean? Is she okay..?!

Uraraka:You're starting to worry me.

John:*Wipes the tears away* I'm sure she's in there and she's okay.

They all walked in the house and went upstairs to the guest room. When John opened the door, they called her name but were shocked to see it was in shambles. Tears prickled John's eyes once again but this time, he couldn't stop them in time as they gushed out.

John:Y-You gotta be f-fucking kidding m-m-me..!

Janet:She left her Deku plushie here... She...She would never leave this thing behind..!

Uraraka:Nononono... This has to be some kind of bad dream..!

Omega:Everyone. Come here.

They all walked to where Omega was standing and saw what looked like claw marks on the floor leading to the window.

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