A New Threat! SMG4 and Tari have joined the Dark Side?!

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Earlier before Mario and Meggy came to John and the others' universe through the ring, SMG4 and Tari were in their house far away from the Mushroom Kingdom since after what happened with their former friends a while back. Surprisingly, SMG4 and Tari were still angry about it. They still feel as if they were stranded and betrayed by their friends. But they at least know that they have each other and to them, that's all that matters. But today is the one year anniversary of when that happened, which makes them even angrier and more depressed.

SB123 SMG4:*Looks at their photo with them* Hmph. Some friends you assholes turned out to be.

SB123 Tari:Are you okay, Glitchy?

SB123 SMG4:No, I'm not. I just wish there was a way we can get back at them and make them pay for it.

SB123 Tari:They took his legs just like what they...did to you.

SB123 SMG4:Yeah, but it's not enough. They just made him suffer, I want all of them to suffer.

SB123 Tari:I do too. But I don't know how we can do that.

Just then, they got a knock on the door. Tari looked through the peephole to see a black and blue hedgehog with blue eyes and gray shoes.

SB123 Tari:*Opens the door* Can we help you?

???:I was actually wondering if I can help you? You see, I apologize but I can't help but overhear your conversation about what you should do to your former friends.

SB123 SMG4:You heard that? Yeah, we don't know what we should do. I mean, some people helped us and they took his legs like he did to me. But I feel that that's not enough.

???:Allow me to help you both with that.

SB123 SMG4:What's your name?

Seelkadoom:I am Seelkadoom. Seelkadoom The Hedgehog. Now, don't be frightened by my name. Consider me as your friend. I can give you two unattainable power and make you unstoppable. Now, who are these "friends" of yours?

SB123 SMG4 then told him what their names were as Seelkadoom smiled.

Seelkadoom:Interesting. Why did they do this to you? You two seem nice and friendly.

SB123 SMG4:They did this just because I made Meggy, who is an inkling a fucking human. I only did that just to entertain people. And what do they do? They just fucking lynch me, except they didn't kill me. And they caused my Tari to cry and I couldn't stand hearing it.

Seelkadoom:Aren't they supposed to be heroes? The fact that they attacked you... It doesn't seem right to me. I'll ask you two this. Would you want to live in a world with no liars?

SB123 Tari:Of course. That'd be wonderful.

Seelkadoom:Well, it's possible to attain such a world. Just join me. I'll give you powers that will make you unstoppable. You can teach them a lesson and we'll rid this entire world and the entire multiverse of liars and fake friends. I'll even give you a new, actual leg. What do you say?

Seelkadoom then held his hand out for SMG4 to shake with a small smile. SMG4 and Tari looked at each other and smiled. SMG4 then took Seelkadoom's hand and shook it as they both smiled. Seelkadoom then transferred some of his power to SMG4 and Tari, soon after they felt it surge through their bodies and smiled as their eyes turned red. Seelkadoom also took the artificial leg Blizzard made for him and summoned SMG4's real leg.

SB123 SMG4:What happens now?

Seelkadoom:Now... Hahahahaha. Let's go pay your "friends" a visit...

SMG4, Tari and Seelkadoom then left the house and started to fly to the castle where Smesh and the others are. Inside the castle, they were talking about how to make it up to SMG4 and Tari after what they did.

SB123 Luigi:What do you guys think we should do to make this right?

SB123 Mario:I don't know. But we have to do something.

Smesh:I'm sure SMG4 did what he did for his own reasons. And sure, John and the others are cool with us, but I understand why they hated us. Mainly me.

Cristina:Don't beat yourself up, sweetie. I'm sure SMG4 and Tari will come around.

Peach eventually ran inside the room they were in.

SB123 Peach:Everyone! SMG4 and Tari are outside!

They all then got up and went outside and saw SMG4 and Tari with Seelkadoom.

SB123 Meggy:SMG4! Tari! It's so good to see you!

SB123 Infinite:Umm... Who's your friend?

Seelkadoom:I am Seelkadoom The Hedgehog. My friends here have told me what you did to them. We just came by to say that it's terrible and that you were fools.

Smesh:I know we were. Especially me. So, I just want to apologize for everything.

SB123 SMG4:How nice... *Puts his hand on Smesh's shoulder* Too bad Tari and I don't need your pity.

Before he could say anything, SMG4 then removed Smesh's artificial legs and hit him in the air with them. Tari then teleported to where Smesh was going and kicked him to Seelkadoom who sent a flurry of punches and kicks to him and kicked his head, sending him flying into one of the buildings in the kingdom.



SB123 Tari:Our friend Seelkadoom came to help us... We're going to rid this entire multiverse of its liars. STARTING...WITH...YOU...

SB123 Meggy:Tari! We never attacked you!


SB123 Mario:LET HER GO!

SB123 SMG4:*Kicks Mario in the air*


SB123 SMG4:I've been wanting to do this for a year...

SMG4 then punched Mario's stomach, causing him to scream. He then went behind Mario's back, clasped his fists and punched his back with them, kneed him in the stomach and kicked him through the castle. Meanwhile, Tari and Seelkadoom was punching and kicking Meggy back and forth as if they were playing tennis with her until Tari punched her in the air and Seelkadoom kicked her through the castle as well.


Seelkadoom:Hahahahahahahahaha! There's nothing you can do, now. Your doom awaits!

Meanwhile, Mario and Meggy stood back up weakly and Meggy threw a ring for them to travel through. The two then limped towards it and went through.

SB123 Mario:And that's basically what happened.

John:Holy shit... Well, where are they now?

SB123 Meggy:They're most likely still back home. Or what's left of it...

SB123 Mario:Meggy, don't say that. I'm sure it's still there.

SB123 Meggy:I hope so, Mario.

Deku:We need to be ready for whenever he gets here. I gotta go train.

John:Whoa, you don't have to do this if you don't want to, Deku.

Deku:It's what heroes do. They stop villains and protect others at all times. I'll even bring extra help if you guys need it.

John:Well... Okay, I'm not gonna stop you.

Deku nods as he took out a ring from his bag and threw it.

Deku:I'll be back with help! *Goes through the ring*

The ring then closed after he went back to his home.

Silver:Seelkadoom's been created already. That must mean Dr. Robotnik's nearby.

Ajna:Eggman? He shouldn't be here. Unless... When we battled him, did real life John just thought of the forest behind Mobian City and threw the ring.

John:I can't fault him too much. He was under a lot of pressure. Look, we'll help you guys deal with this Seelkadoom guy and get SMG4 and Tari back to normal.

SB123 Mario:Thanks.

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