Kong Island Invasion

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It was eight thirty in the morning and John and the others were at the gym training. Particularly, John was training to hone his skills with his new shield he got for Christmas. He places the shield face down and looks up at the dummy in front of him. He then stomped on the shield, making it flip in the air and kicks the shield into the dummy, catches it and puts it on with a smile.

John:Alright! I finally figured that trick out! Now I just gotta throw it and makes it ricochet off the walls.

Ronin:I see you're getting pretty good with your new shield, Mr. Wolf.

John:Thanks, Ronin. How are you and your parents doing with your infinity gauntlets?

Ronin:Oh, we're doing fine with them. We're just having a bit of trouble controlling the power of the stones.

John:How so?

Ronin:Mom accidentally destroyed the Café trying to use the power stone.

John:Oof. Well, I'll help you guys out when we're done here.

Knuckles then walked in the gym and walked towards John and Ronin.

Knuckles:Hey, you two, have you seen Mario and the others?

John:Yeah, they should be in the shooting range. You need them for something?

Knuckles:Yeah, I need them to go to Kong Island. Donkey Kong contacted us and said that they're a bit suspicious that King K. Rool hasn't attacked in a while and they're suspicious of what they might do next. I won't even lie, I'm even suspicious of what they'll do.

Ronin:That sounds bad. You want me to go get them for you?

Knuckles:Yeah, sure. Thanks.

Ronin:No problem.

Ronin then went to the shooting range where they found Mario, Luigi, Meggy, Daisy, Yoshi, Spider, Inkura, Clauds, Octavia and Gadget practicing their shooting.

Ronin:Guys. Knuckles was looking for you.


Spider:What does he need?

Ronin:He said that he needs you guys to go to Kong Island and help out Donkey Kong with King Kr. Rool.

Mario:Can I skip out on that mission? I really don't want to deal with that stupid monkey again.

Meggy:Mario, what happened between you and him is in the past. Now we all have a mutual enemy.

Inkura:Meggy's right, Mario. We have to help him.

Mario knew they were right, he had to put aside what happened between him and Donkey Kong in the past and nodded in agreement.

Mario:Alright. I'm in.

Meggy:*Kisses Mario's cheek* I knew you'd understand.

Daisy:Let's go!

Mario:Ronin, tell Knuckles we're in.

Ronin:Great! See you later and good luck!

Ronin then walked out and told Knuckles what Mario and the others said. Mario and the others then left for Kong Island by boat. Eventually, they got there and went to Cranky's house. When they got to the front door, Mario knocked on the door.

Cranky:*Opens the door* What the fuck do you want?!

Mario:Uhhh, we're here because you contacted Knuckles.

Cranky:Oh! That's right! Come in! Everyone, cavalry's arrived!

Candy:Thank God!

Diddy:Awesome! So, you're here to help us with our little King K. Rool problem?

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