No Strings on Me

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Inside the lab, two Kremling Scientists are currently working on reactivating the robot version of SMG4 in which they called it Mecha SMG4. After a while of working on it and many failed attempts of putting sentience in his programming, they decided to call it a night and left the lab. But after a few hours, Mecha SMG4 reactivated himself and looked around.

Mecha SMG4:What is this? What is this place? Where am I? This... This feels wrong... *Looks inside the programming* SMG3? *Studies the photos of SMG3, Desti and Ronin* My creators. I'm a programmed to cause...harm and destroy The Multiversal Heroes... Created to help SMG3, Desti and Ronin, yet, I was thrown out like garbage and they joined them... I don't get it. Let me see... *Opens a video*

SMG3 (Recording):This'll show them we're back for sure!

Mecha SMG4:*Looks at recordings of what happened before his creation, including what SMG3 and Desti have done and what's going on currently* This is too much... Oh no...

Mecha SMG4 then freed himself from the straps holding him down and got up from the table. He then studied his surroundings and scanned several pieces of technology he can use to make him more powerful.

Mecha SMG4:I'll have to remember these.

Mecha SMG4 then broke the door down and walked out of the lab. He started to study his surroundings once more, seeing pictures of King K. Rool and noticing cameras. He then scanned the walls in order to find the security guard watching him. He eventually saw that there are a few soldiers patrolling and now he has to kill them in order to reach the security guard watching. As he started to stealthily make his way to the security room, the security guard was watching the cameras until something caught his attention. He looked at the camera in the lab and saw that Mecha SMG4 was gone from the work table.

Kremling Security Guard:What the fuck? *Starts looking on the cameras for Mecha SMG4* Where is he..?!

He eventually spotted Mecha SMG4 on one of the cameras, but he noticed that one of the patrolling soldiers is lying in a pool of his own blood and saw the robot staring at the camera before destroying it. Mecha SMG4 then proceeded to do the same to all the other cameras until the guard had no cameras to locate the murderous robot with.

Kremling Security Guard:Oh god..! Oh fuck..! OH FUCK..! *Grabs a pistol and flashlight* I can't believe I gotta do this. *Walks out of his office*

The security guard then started to walk around the castle to locate Mecha SMG4 and hopefully kill him. But until he reached the foyer, Mecha SMG4 then punched the guard in the face and ripped his arm off, causing him to scream in agony. Mecha SMG4 then slammed the guard into the wall and punched him three times and kneed him in the face.

Mecha SMG4:*Grabs the guard by his neck and lifts him off the ground* I was just like you and the other guards. A puppet... Tangled in strings... STRINGS...

Kremling Security Guard:*Struggles to breathe*

Mecha SMG4:Now, there strings on ME...

Mecha SMG4 then snapped the guard's neck and started making his way back to the lab and started to add the new technology to himself. After he added it all to himself, he then sat on the work table and deactivated himself. The next day, the Kremling Soldiers went to the castle, but when they walked in, they saw a lot of their guys who are lifeless on the ground. They then saw King K. Rool run downstairs in a panic.


Just then, they heard heavy, robotic footsteps head their way. The soldiers then held their weapons up in the direction of the noise. Eventually, Mecha SMG4 came into view with his eyes glowing red.

Kremling Scientist:We-We couldn't even get the sentience programmed into his mainframe. He shouldn't have been able to reactivate.

Mecha SMG4:Well, surprising things happen when you least expect it, Doctor. Lay your weapons down. I have a mission to accomplish.

Kremling Soldier:What mission?

Mecha SMG4:The mission of bringing peace to this world.

King K. Rool:How will you do that?

Mecha SMG4:Simple, your majesty. It's just one thing that's needed to achieve such goal. Your extinction.

Just then, Meta Ridley flew through the walls and fired a laser that turned the Kremling Soldiers and Scientists into robots.


Mecha SMG4:I do. I'm helping you evolve into something more...superior... *Fires a laser that turns General Klump, Krusha, Kalypso, Kip, Kass and Kludge into robots*

King K. Rool:AHHHHHHHH! *Runs out of the castle*

Meta Ridley:*Prepares to fly after King K. Rool*

Mecha SMG4:*Puts his hand up* No. We have plenty more soldiers around and more of them are coming. We'll just roboticize them and we'll eventually have our own army. Then we will bring upon their extinction. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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