Shadow The Babysitter

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It was a bright day in Mobian City and Shadow was talking to Midoriya and Uraraka about babysitting Eri for the day while them and their classmates went to help set up things for Infinite's crowning ceremony in the Jackal Kingdom.

Shadow:Hey, it's YOUR idea to leave me in charge of Eri's care while you're off helping the others set everything up. Just let me handle it.

Uraraka:We know, but you're not really the best with kids.

Shadow:Kid, I took care of Janet since before you and your friends even showed up here. How hard is it to care for Eri?

Midoriya:Fair point. But just to make sure, do you know all of the emergency numbers Ochaco and I wrote down?

Shadow:YES! I know all the emergency numbers, but I'm PRETTY sure I can get her to a hospital faster than an ambulance.

Uraraka:Eh, Izu and I made sure to call her auntie anyway.

Shadow:Which auntie? She has a lot of aunts.

Sonica:*Walks in the room* Oh, Shadow~!



Sonica:Hi, little Eri! *Hugs her tightly*

Shadow:Why do you hate me so..?

Uraraka:She's not so bad. She was actually recommended by John and Sonic.

Shadow:Of course they'd tell you to have her help.

Midoriya:Now, be a good girl for uncle Shadow and auntie Sonica, snowball. Mommy and I will be back later.

Eri:Okay, daddy. I love you.

Uraraka:We love you too, baby. *Kisses Eri's forehead*

Once Midoriya and Uraraka left, Sonica was playing with Eri as she giggled in delight.

Sonica:Oh, my Gosh, she's so precious! I remember when I saw your baby pictures, Shadow! You were so cute in those!

Eri:Uncle Shadow's baby photos?

Shadow:Sonica, don't even think of showing her those photos.

Sonica:So, what's the story behind Eri being Deku and Ochaco's daughter?

Shadow:Their principal and their teacher let them be her guardians and she started calling them her mom and dad.

Sonica:That's sweet. Eri deserves it.


Sonica:Well, Shadow, it's up to you and I to be Eri's best auntie and uncle! Alright, Eri, what do you want to do first?

Eri:Ummm... I want to watch a movie.

Shadow:Okay. What do you want to watch? We have Deadpool, all the Avengers movies,  Alien vs. Predator, Freddy vs. Jason, Sadako vs. Kayako--

Sonica:Umm, do you have any movies that are for little kids?

Shadow:The only one we have is...ugh... My Little Pony.

Eri:Oooh! I wanna watch that!

Shadow:Of course, you do. Okay, I'll put it in.

Sonica:I'll get the popcorn!

Once Sonica got the popcorn, the three sat on the couch and watched the movie. Eventually, the movie ended and Eri and Sonica smiled widely while Shadow looked still looked bored.

Shadow:Sheesh, that movie wasn't any better after I watched it with Janet.

Sonica:Oh, come on, Shadow, it's not that bad.

Eri:I love that movie!

Shadow:You can have it if you want.


Shadow:Yeah. Janet doesn't watch it anymore and I definitely don't want to watch it anymore.

Eri:Thank you, Uncle Shadow! *Hugs him tightly*

Shadow:*Smiles slightly* It's nothing, Eri. Are you hungry?


Shadow:Let's see what we got in the kitchen for you.

The three got up from the couch and went in the kitchen to feed Eri. When she finished eating, they played a few games with her until she fell asleep on the couch.

Sonica:Look at her. She's so cute.

Shadow:Huh. You know for some reason, I just wanna kill anything that might touch her, let alone harm her.

Sonica:Aww, look who's a big softy after all.

Shadow:Fuck you say?

Sonica:I'm just saying, Uncle Shadow. You seem all tough and edgy, but you're really caring and it definitely shows with Eri.

John:*Opens the door* Hey, we're home!

Shadow:Shhh! Eri's sleeping.

Rouge:Really? *Sees Eri* Awww. She's so precious.

Midoriya:There she is. How was she?

Sonica:She was an angel the whole time.

Eri:*Wakes up* Mommy! Daddy!

Uraraka:Hi, sweetie. *Picks her up* Ready to go back home?

Eri:*Nods* Bye uncle Shadow and auntie Sonica.

Shadow:Bye, little Eri.

John:*Takes a picture* This is going on my Instagram.



John:No way! Hashtag Uncle and Niece!


John:Hashtag Uncle Shadow!

Shadow:Hashtag Chaos...

John:Oh boy! Aaaand post.

Shadow:SPEAR~!!! *Throws chaos spears at John*

John:*Dodges the attack*

*Part of the house gets blown up*


John:Hashtag You Missed.

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