Plan is in Action! Seelkadoom's Wrath!

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They all then left Dr. Robotnik's lab to put their plan to stop Seelkadoom in action. They now have to find him, but it's gonna be a challenge since Goku can only sense ki energy and no other form. But eventually, they heard a loud explosion and they saw Seelkadoom in Hyrule. They then ran there, but they let Goku fly ahead as part of their plan. When they got close, Goku turned Ultra Instinct and appeared in front of Seelkadoom.

Ultra Instinct Goku:Alright, Seelkadoom! You had your fun! It's time for this to end!

Seelkadoom:What's this? You think you can stop me?

Ultra Instinct Goku:I know I can stop you! Me and my friends all know it!

Seelkadoom:Well, then. Let's get started!

Seelkadoom then charged at Goku with an evil smile and started throwing several punches and kicks at Goku, but he noticed that his attacks weren't hitting him, despite the fact he isn't moving an inch. Goku then punched Seelkadoom twice and kicked him to the ground, causing Seelkadoom to create a crater.

Seelkadoom:What the hell..?! How are my attacks missing?! He hasn't even moved a damn inch..!

Ultra Instinct Goku:*Pins Seelkadoom to the ground* You're not the only being with tremendous power, Seelkadoom.

Sonic:Nice one, Goku!

Zelda:We're gonna help these people and make sure they're okay! Just make sure Seelkadoom eats that mushroom!

Ultra Instinct Goku:Right!

Silver:Alright, Seelkadoom. Just relax and open wide.

Dr. Robotnik:*Moves the mushroom towards Seelkadoom's mouth*

Seelkadoom:D-Dammit..! I won't go down easily!!! *Sends out a shockwave, sending them flying*


Gabriel:Looks like we're gonna do this the hard way.

Seelkadoom:It appears so. Come at me! Your doom awaits!

Vegeta:You all focus on helping them! We're gonna wear him down!


Seelkadoom then sent energy blasts at Goku and the others, only for them to dodge the attacks and charge at Seelkadoom. Gabriel then started to punch Seelkadoom repeatedly and kick him. Seelkadoom then grabbed Gabriel's fist and smiled before throwing him into the castle. Sonic and Shadow then charged at Seelkadoom and started to fight him, only for Seelkadoom to lay down a relentless barrage of attacks and kick them through two buildings.

Deku:That's it! You're gonna go down! *Runs up to Seelkadoom and jumps in the air* DETROIT SMASH~!!!

Deku then punched Seelkadoom, sending out a loud explosion. But when the smoke cleared, Deku gasped when he saw that Seelkadoom had his fist in the palm of his hand. Seelkadoom laughed evilly and rose his fist with it glowing purple.

Deku:It-It didn't hit him..?!

Seelkadoom:I'm impressed. For a child, you're quite strong and powerful. But it's not enough!

Seelkadoom then punched Deku repeatedly, kneed his stomach and punched him down to the ground. Just as Uraraka and the other heroes prepared to charge at Seelkadoom, he defeated all of them in one fell swoop.

Vegeta:Pathetic! Let the Prince of the motherfucking saiyans show you how it's done! *Charges at Seelkadoom*

Vegeta then kicked Seelkadoom through a house and punched him in the air again. Eventually, Seelkadoom regained his balance and him and Vegeta started throwing punches and kicks at each other, only for them to collide into one another, releasing shockwaves with each blow.

Vegeta:Not bad, for a worthless rat!

Seelkadoom:You're not so bad yourself for being a worthless fool! *Punches Vegeta twice and kicks him*

Vegeta:Dammit! *Regains his balance and starts sending ki blasts to Seelkadoom*

Seelkadoom:*Reflects all the blasts and punches Vegeta's stomach*


Seelkadoom:Just face it! You're done for! *Punches Vegeta's back several times and kicks him into a house*

John:Uhhhh. The plan's not working. Why in the FUCK is it not working?! I thought Gabriel or Vegeta would have beaten him at least!

Rouge:This isn't good!

Suddenly, Kubo flew to where Seelkadoom is and punched him twice before throwing him on the ground.

Seelkadoom:Ugh..! Who dares..?!

Kubo:I dare, motherfucker!

Seelkadoom:You..?! A monkey..?!

Kubo:Damn right! We had enough of your shit. Today, your ass is gonna die, bitch! Say good night, motherfucker!

Seelkadoom:*Smiles and laughs* Good night.

Suddenly, Seelkadoom sent a ki laser straight through Kubo's chest, sending him flying backwards and hitting the ground.


Kubo:D-D-Dammit..! You son of a-*Coughs up blood*-bitch..!

Seelkadoom:I'm gonna end your suffering, my friend.

Seelkadoom then sent energy bombs at Kubo and tightened his hand into a fist, making them explode, killing Kubo instantly. Janet then started to grow angry with tears flowing from her eyes as a dark aura formed around her.

Janet:Seelkadoom... I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU~!

Janet then turned into her dark form as her eyes glowed white and charged at Seelkadoom as John, Rouge and Ronin tried to stop Janet.


Dark Janet:JANET, YES~!

Janet then threw a dark energy ball at Seelkadoom in an attempt to kill him and sent out a large explosion. She then looked around angrily to find Seelkadoom's corpse, only for him to emerge from the smoke with an evil smile.

Seelkadoom:Janet, no!

Seelkadoom then punched Janet and kicked her into the wall of the castle, causing her to lose her dark form.

Zelda:Why is the castle the only thing getting hit in this fight?

Seelkadoom:That should be the least of your worries, Princess. You should be worried that I knock you into oblivion.

Link:Don't you dare talk to her like that!

Seelkadoom:Or what? You're gonna try and cut me to pieces with your sword? Come on, I'm not Frieza. Besides, there's no one you have that can stand a chance against me! Let alone defeat me!

SMG4:It pains me to say this, but... John, we're gonna have to have Broly deal with him.

John:I know. Let's just hope he doesn't destroy Earth in the process. Broly.


John:You're all we've got that can stand a chance against Seelkadoom. You've been sparring with Goku, have you?


John:Well, surely you can stand a chance against this prick. We know you can.

Broly:Okay. I'll do it.

Broly then walked towards Seelkadoom and glared at him, causing Seelkadoom to turn around and laugh.

Seelkadoom:Oh, come now. Who's this?

Broly:My name is Broly. And with every fiber of my being, I'm going to give it everything I got to stop you!

Seelkadoom:Oh, please. From what I learned, you couldn't even defeat Goku or Vegeta! What makes you think you can defeat me?

Broly:Why don't you come at me and find out, you little bastard?

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