Rise of King Dark Bones

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It may be a bright and sunny day for everyone else, but in this kingdom, it's always dark as night with the only lights being from lanterns that were present. This is the Undead Kingdom, all things that have died in the past and were reanimated all live here. Dry Bones, Dry Hammer Bros., Bone Piranha Plants, Bone Goombas, and Parabones all live here, but there is one in particular who lives here. He is a Dry Bones that is blue, and while the other undead residents don't want to find out if the living are as kind as they think, this one in particular is going to find out if they are right or not. He was walking to the pathway that leads away from his home with his Bone Goomba friend and roommate.

Bone Goomba:Are you sure you want to go find out if they're as kind as we think?

Dry Bones:Positive. I'm sure they're nice! Besides, what's the worst that can happen?

Bone Goomba:Oh, I don't know, they decapitate you or break you to pieces!

Dry Bones:Obviously, you forgot that I can just rebuild myself. Don't worry about it.

Bone Goomba:Just be careful, man.

Dry Bones:I will.

They said their goodbyes as he walked away from his home. After a couple hours of walking, he found himself in another kingdom. He wandered around in awe as he took in the sights and saw all the people walking around. So far, he thought he was right about the living being kind and same with the other undead residents at his home, but that was until he saw a group of people surround another Dry Bones. When they did so, they started to punch and kick him until he fell apart. He was shocked and scared of what he was watching unfold, before the one beaten could even rebuild itself, one of the individuals smashed his skull, ultimately stopping him from rebuilding. He started to back away until he bumped into the dumpster, getting their attention.

Inkling:The hell? Hey, it's another undead freak!


Dry Bones:Shit!

He started to run away as they chased after him. They chased him all throughout the kingdom and he began to hear people insult him and throw things at him as they cheered the group of inklings chasing after him. He eventually found himself tripping and falling on the ground, but he quickly got back up and resumed running. He eventually fell down a hole and when he landed on the ground, he broke apart, but he wasn't dead for good. The group of inklings saw him fall and left, thinking he was gone, meanwhile, he rebuilt himself and began to walk around the cavern he fell into. After a while, he felt tears fill his eyes and they eventually spilled with a couple of drops hitting the ground.

Dry Bones:They... They just murdered that poor guy..! And all those people...wanted them to catch...m-me... We were wrong about the living... Dead wrong...

He continued to sob quietly to himself until his sadness began to change to anger and hatred at its purest, making him have a different view of the living. His physical appearance began to change with his bone color being darker and his eyes changing from yellow to red.

Dark Bones:The living... They don't deserve to breathe another ounce of oxygen... And I will make sure of it. I'm going to cleanse this God damn rock and give it a fresh start. A world full of nothing but undead souls like me...

His hands began to emit a red aura as he made a hole in the cavern, making his own way out of it. The first thing he did was return home to tell all of his friends and neighbors about what he saw. After hearing what he told them, they didn't hesitate to agree with joining his side. They all went underground and they followed Dark Bones to the kingdom he was in. Once they got there, they began their assault on the kingdom. The Dry Bones, Bone Piranha Plants, everyone undead began to attack the kingdom's residents who are trying to run away.

Dark Bones travelled to the castle and when he went inside, he began to fight the guards and even killed them until he reached the throne room. When he reached it, he saw the princess of the kingdom. He kicked the door down and the princess looked at him in fear.

Princess Lucy:Guards! G-Get him!

The guards ran towards Dark Bones with their weapons drawn as the king grabbed her hand and walked away, but as they left the throne room, they heard screams.


The two looked at the room with fear in their eyes as Dark Bones walked out of the room with his eyes glowing. He then lifted his hand and pointed his index finger towards the king and fired a lazer from it, killing him. She fell to her knees and sobbed into her father's chest, soaking his clothes as Dark Bones chuckled.

Princess Lucy:You... You monster..! Why are you doing this..?!

Dark Bones:Our opinion on the living has changed. You're not kind. You're worthless, disgusting, despicable creatures that don't deserve to live and rule this world. But I, King Dark Bones, will bring every one of you to your sealed fates.

Princess Lucy:Listen, if it's about what those inklings did to the one that was here a while back I can fix it!

Dark Bones:It's too late.

Dark Bones then shoved his clawed hand through her chest, spilling blood on the floor and causing her to cough up more blood. He then pulled his hand out and shook it, getting some of her blood off and walked away as she choked on it and died beside her father.

Bone Goomba:What do we do now, King Dark Bones?

Dark Bones:*Chuckles* Patience, my dear friend. It's only the beginning. The living will know my name. They will know that the dead are rising and there's nothing they can do to stop it.

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