The Outbreak

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It's been two days since Gadget, Lot, Grey, Fuschia and Spike have been sent to Mushroom City to investigate the water contamination levels, but they still haven't returned yet. It was a sunny day and Celestia was resting by a tree when a bird landed on her foot, making her smile.

Celestia:Hey, little guy. Taking a rest? That's cool. Pretty much what I'm doing. It's been apeshit the past two days. As much as I like adventure like my old man, I like kicking back afterwards, too. Everyone else? Not so much...

Bird:*Nods, indicating it's listening*

Celestia:My moms and dad are busy helping with locating Gadget and his crew along with taking care of my baby sister, Gaia. Deku and the others are still training to become pro-heroes and taking care of Eri. Crash and his family are getting ready since Tawna's pregnant again. That Silver guy is out searching for some looming doom threatening the Future. And everyone else is keeping busy with other things like protecting people and all that jazz. I understand that Gadget and the others are missing in action, but they could relax, even if it's just for a bit. Robuttnik hasn't caused any problems, no new villains attacked and everything's cool. Hell, even Sonic agrees! And when HE'S the one telling people to slow down, you know something is wrong. Hahahahaha!


Celestia:Jinxed it. What's up, Goku?

Goku:Come back to the ROOKIEZ HQ! They just received two video messages from Gadget and some girl named Fuschia!


Goku:Yeah! I'm glad to know they responded. Or at least I think they're okay...

Celestia:Something's not sitting right with me. Knuckles sent them to Mushroom City two days ago, right? To check out the water system for any contamination? And worst of all, why do I have a feeling that this leads into a big problem we're gonna have to deal with?

Vegeta:Come on, you two! We're wasting time!

Celestia:Right. Let's get going.

The three then teleported and appeared at the ROOKIEZ HQ in a room with a big screen that will play the video messages they just received.

Knuckles:There you three are. Of course, I called you all here because we received a message from Gadget and Fuschia. Here's the message. *Plays Fuschia's message*

Fuschia:Flynn, I'm recording this, just in case... Spike's...*Wipes tears away*...Spike's infected. I was told to come here to check out the water for contamination with him, Gadget, Grey and Lot and Knuckles was right. The water's contaminated and it's making people sick! *Starts to cry* It Bowser...Veronica...and their babies sick...*Hick!* He...can't get in but he hasn't stopped banging on the door for--*Looks at the door* You hear that? I think he's gone... *Sobs quietly* Thank fuck... Look... I just want you to know that I love you so much, Flynn. You're--

Infected Spike:*Kicks down a vent hatch and falls through*


Infected Spike:*Lunges at her and bites her stomach, snarling*


*Blood splatters on the camera and wall*

Crash:What the hell..?!


Knuckles:Sorry about that, Flynn... This Gadget's. *Plays Gadget's message*

Gadget:*Runs into an ambulance* I'm recording this while I can. If this gets out there back home, stay in! Put stuff against the door and don't go out or open the door or window for ANY REASON or ANYONE. I'm in trouble, guys. I scanned the water for contamination levels. They were so high! I saw Bowser's kids...they just bit and scratched Grey and Lot... And they were still alive! They aren't who they fucking used to be! I can't stay in here all night. The lock doesn't work. And they'll eventually find me. I'm gonna make a run for it. Guys...if I don't make it back...look after Sally. It'll be okay. *Opens the door cautiously*

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