Familiar Invitations Arrive!

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It's been three months since Dr. Robotnik's temporary victory over the Multiversal Heroes that ended with them emerging victorious thanks to the help of Broly, Lemo, Cheelai and Gabriel. Everything is fine now, while of course, some bandits were running out of the Hyrule Marketplace with stolen rupees and food.

Bandit:We hit the jackpot, today, boys!

Bandit #2:HAHAHAHA! Who can stop us?!

Gabriel:That would be me.

Gabriel put his hand out and managed to stop the carriage the bandits were in, sending them flying out of it and hitting the ground. Eventually, Hylian soldiers arrived and arrested the bandits while Gabriel returned the stolen goods.

Gabriel:That was fun. Now to go back home and relax.

Gabriel then took off back to the castle at high speed. Meanwhile, John and the others decided to hold a makeshift sparring tournament to continue their training. The two fighters up are John and Bakugo.

Janet:Alright, up next is daddy vs. Bakugo!

John:You ready, Bakugo?

Bakugo:Ready as I'll ever be, Wolf. Let's see what you got! *Makes small bursts in his hands*

Janet:Three, two, one... GO!

John and Bakugo then charged at each other and when he noticed Bakugo lift his left hand, John teleported to dodge the attack, making Bakugo miss and look around. John appeared behind him and went in for a kick, only for Bakugo to dodge the attack and counter it with an explosion that sent John flying. John regained his balance and landed on his feet.

John:Not bad, Bakugo.

Bakugo:I'll admit, what you did was clever, too. But let's see you avoid this! AP SHOT!

Bakugo then fired a large burst of flames at John, only for him to dodge it and fire a short atomic burst near him. Surrounded by the smoke, Bakugo started looking around to try and find John only to be punched in the stomach by him and thrown out of the smoke.


John:Hey, take it easy with that AP shot, will you? Could have killed me.

Bakugo:Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever.

John:*Helps Bakugo up*

Uraraka:That's new. Bakugo's actually getting along with people.

Deku:He said he's trying to be a little nicer.

Lord Beerus:What's all this, now?

Goku:What's up, you guys?

SMG4:Who are these two?

Vegeta:They're Lord Beerus and Whis. Beerus is our universe's destroyer God and Whis is an angel.

SMG3:D-D-Destroyer God..?

Lord Beerus:Don't be afraid. Just treat me with respect and we'll get along just fine and your planet will still be here.

Bulma:What brings you two here?

Whis:We just felt like paying you all a visit. What have we missed?

Vegeta:You missed a hell of a lot, let's just leave it at that.

Lord Beerus:Really? Why don't you tell us what happened, kid?

Deku:W-Well, this Dr. Robotnik guy showed up with three hedgehogs and they managed to kill a lot of people, including us. But, Broly, Cheelai, Lemo and Gabriel managed to bring us all back and beat them.

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