Zelda vs Dabi!

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After the last fight, the tournament was on hold for a small commercial break, giving the fighters time to recooperate and improve their skills some more. After a while, they all went back to their designated rooms and more fights happened, one being Goku vs. Hit, in which Goku won the fight, but just barely and the other being Janet and Rouge vs. Samus and Lucina, that one with Janet and Rouge losing.

Master Hand:Now, the next fight will be the Princess of Hyrule, Zelda vs. Dabi!

Vegeta:Who the hell would name their child that?

Deku:I recognize him! Mrs. Zelda, please be careful! He's really dangerous!

Zelda:Don't worry, I will.

Zelda walked out of the room and started to make her way to the arena while Dabi was doing the same. The two fighters made it to the arena and Dabi smirked as he looked at his competition.

Dabi:It's a shame I have to kill her. She's a sight to look at.

Master Hand:3...2...1...GO!

Dabi didn't waste any time at all and sent a large gust of flames towards Zelda, only for it to barely miss her. She suddenly appeared behind him and unleashed a Phantom that charged towards Dabi and tried to slash him with his its sword, only for him to dodge the attack. Zelda found the opening and kicked Dabi three times before kicking him to the ground. Zelda then summoned an orb of fire and sent it towards Dabi, only for him to dodge the attack and charge towards her. She couldn't react in time and was hit with a barrage of punches and kicks before being knocked in the air.

John:Oh, shit! God damn.



Dabi:*Looks up at Link and Gabriel and grins evilly* Let's give them a show.

Dabi then picked up Zelda by her arms and the grin was still present on his face. Zelda headbutted him with the back of her head, making him let go and hold his nose.

Dabi:You bitch!

Zelda then ran towards him and started throwing punches and kicks that were missing until he grabbed her arms.

Zelda:Wait! What are you--?

Dabi:*Breaks her arm*


Dabi:*Dislocates her knee*


Dabi:*Grabs her face and slams her on the ground* You're persistent! Who's on the ground, has two broken arms and is a weak little bitch?

Zelda:You fool..! You only broke one of my ar--

Dabi:*Breaks the other arm*


Dabi:This girl~.

Luigi:Okay. I'm scared to fight him, now.

Deku:That monster's torturing her!

Uraraka:What a big bully!

Iida:As to be expected from a villain.


Dabi's arm started to engulf in blue flames as he aimed it at Zelda and laughed evilly as tears spilled from her eyes from the intense pain she was going through and the fact that she's potentially going to die as she began to think of Link and Gabriel.

Dabi:It's time for you to be ashes in the wind.

Master Hand:Zelda is unable to fight back! Dabi wins! He will move onto the next round!

Dabi:Tch. No fun. You got lucky, Zelda. Don't think you'll be lucky next time you see me.

Dabi then started to walk back to the designated room he was in as the Toads from before picked up Zelda and carried her off to the infirmary.

Gabriel:Mario, where's the infirmary?

Mario:It's down that hall and when you go right, the room is on your left.

Gabriel:Thanks. *Runs out of the room*

Link:*Runs out after him*

John:Someone needs to put that piece of fucking shit in the dirt.

Rouge:Yeah. Even the person I fought wasn't that brutal.

Janet:Or mine.

Ajna:I bet Link and Gabriel have a lot of shit going through their minds right now.

Goku:Yeah. Especially Gabriel. He just watched some guy beat up his own mom as if she was a ragdoll.

Vegeta:Knowing Gabriel, he's gonna try to avenge his mother with all the power he can muster.

Bakugo:Good. I better see him paint that wall with that asshole's blood!

Iida:Bakugo, as satisfying as it sounds, it's not right!

Bakugo:Hey, the talking hand says we can beat our opponents anyway we see fit, even if we kill 'em. So it doesn't matter.

Meanwhile, Zelda just arrived in the infirmary and her arms and leg were in casts as Meggy looked to her right.

Meggy:You too, huh?


Meggy:Don't beat yourself up about it. Just be glad you got to live to see Link and Gabriel again.

Zelda:You're right. I just wish I could have done better.

Link and Gabriel:*Walk in the infirmary*

Gabriel:Mom! Are you alright?

Zelda:There are my two boys. Yes, dear, I'm okay.

Link:That's good.

Meggy:Hey, I'm sorry about what happened. Really sucks to see someone you care about hurt.

Gabriel:It does. Mom, I'm really glad you're okay. I already lost you once, I don't want to lose you again.

Zelda noticed a tear leave Gabriel's eye and was saddened a bit. She never saw him cry in person, she only heard it and it was the most painful thing to her compared to broken bones.

Zelda:Gabriel, don't cry, my sweet angel.

Gabriel:I can't help it. I hate seeing you get harmed.

Zelda:I know you do. You're just like your father. Always so protective. And I love that about both of you. I know you'll protect me at all times. I'm lucky to have both of you in my life. I just wish I could have done better in that fight. I want to show you two that I can protect you too.

Link:Zel, you don't have to prove anything to me or Gabriel. We both know you tried as hard as you could. *Smiles*

Zelda:Oh, Link. You always know the right things to say.

Gabriel:Don't worry, mom. I'm gonna make him pay for what he did to you.

Zelda:I would try to stop you, but, you're stubborn, like your father. So I won't try. But just be careful, okay? Hyrule needs a future ruler when I'm gone. I love you, Gabriel.

Gabriel:I love you too, mom.

Gabriel then walked out of the infirmary and started making his way back with determination in his eyes.

Gabriel:Alright, Dabi. You're gonna pay for hurting my mom. I'll make sure of it.

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