Vegeta vs. Frieza!

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Vegeta walked out of the room and began walking towards the arena just as Frieza did the same. Many things were going through his mind at that moment, but one thing he intends to do was clear.

Vegeta (Thoughts):It's time that bastard dies and stays that way for good... I'm not as forgiving as Kakarot is and I will make sure that dumbass doesn't bring this devil back.

The crowd cheered wildly as they saw Vegeta and Frieza walk onto the arena that was already damaged by some of the past battles they witnessed. Vegeta glared at Frieza while he only smirked evilly.

Frieza:Vegeta. You're still as arrogant as I remember if you think you can defeat me now.

Vegeta:You should know this better than anyone... I'm not as forgiving as Kakarot. After this battle, you will be nothing but dust in the wind. And since I can kill my opponents and won't be disqualified, I'm using that to kill you for good.

Frieza:Now that you said that, I will definitely have to make an example out of Goku, Broly and those other monkeys you know!

Vegeta:As if you thought I'd stay loyal to you after you destroyed the planet I was destined to rule. Fat chance.

John:Come on, Vegeta! Kick that asshole's ass!

Frieza:Hahaha! Please! If that mutt thinks you can beat me, he's just a delusional as you!

Master Hand:3...2...1...GO!

Vegeta and Frieza charged at each other and started throwing punches and kicks at each other at break neck speeds, every hit landing causing a shockwave.

Vegeta:I'm sending you back to hell, you bastard!

Frieza:Your threats are as empty as your title! All Hail Vegeta, Prince of No one!

Vegeta then punched Frieza's stomach and punched him in the face twice before kicking him down to the ground, creating a crater. Vegeta then flew towards Frieza, grabbed his tail and started slamming him on the ground before grabbing his face and dragging him across the arena's wall. Frieza angrily stood back up and started firing ki blasts at Vegeta, all of which were deflected. Vegeta then turned Super Saiyan and started throwing ki blasts at Frieza, all of which he dodged as he transformed into his golden form.

Rouge:Wow! These two are going at it!

Deku:From what Vegeta told me and Kacchan, Frieza destroyed their home planet, killing every Saiyan that was on it. So, he's always hated Frieza since then.

Uraraka:Wow. That does make sense.

Bakugo:Heh. Vegeta you better kill that bastard.

Frieza:I will NOT lose to a SAIYAN!

Vegeta:I'm not gonna lose to some emo lizard!

Frieza:*Punches Vegeta twice and hits him to the ground with his tail*


Frieza:*Flies down towards Vegeta*

Vegeta:*Kicks Frieza in the air and kicks him again into the wall*

Vegeta then turned Super Saiyan God and charged at Frieza. Frieza desperately fired more ki blasts at Vegeta, only for him to deflect all of them. When he reached Frieza, he started to beat him into the wall before grabbing Frieza and tossing him on the ground.


Daisy:I guess he's been holding all that in for a while.

Ajna:I'll say. He's beating the FUCK out of him!

Frieza:*Turns back* No..! This can't be!

Vegeta:IT'S OVER, FRIEZA! *Puts his hand out towards him* BIG BANG ATTACK!

Vegeta released the sphere of energy towards Frieza and once it hit him, it caused a large explosion. Once the smoke cleared, Frieza was no where to be seen and Vegeta smiled as he reverted back to his base form.

Master Hand:Vegeta is the winner and he will move onto the next round!

Vegeta then left the arena and back to the designated room as the crowd cheered and everyone back at their home cheered.

Infinite:Alright! Vegeta did it!

Sonica:Oh, my GOSH! That fight was so crazy!

Bulma:Now we don't have to worry about Frieza anymore. As long as Goku doesn't bring him back.

Back at the tournament, Vegeta walked back into the room and everyone congratulated him.

John:Nice one, Vegeta!

Goku:You did it, buddy!

Sonic:Now Frieza won't be a problem anymore.

Deku:That was amazing, Vegeta!

Bakugo:Way to kick that guy's ass!

Broly:You would have made every Saiyan proud, Vegeta.

Vegeta:Thank you. Now Kakarot, don't bring him back. Do that, and I will beat you into next year!

Goku:Okay, okay! Hahahahahaha!

Meanwhile, they don't know it, but another villainous fighter is in the tournament as well. He was in the room with the Universe 6 fighters.

Dabi:Everyone who's fighting me is going to be nothing but ashes in the wind. Hahahahahaha.

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