Sonic and Ajna vs. Zero and Danielle!

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Master Hand:The next team match is Sonic and Ajna vs. Zero and Danielle!

Sonic:Zero. The guy that killed Toad, right?

Ajna:Yeah. And Danielle's the one who got Meggy sent to the infirmary. We better be careful, Sonic.

Sonic:Yeah. And we already died once, wouldn't be a good thing if we died again.

Goku:Good luck, you guys!

John:Yeah, good luck. Be careful out there.

Gabe:Kick her ass out there and stay safe, alright?

Ajna:I will, baby.

Sonic and Ajna then made their way down to the arena to face off against Zero and Danielle. Eventually, both teams walked into the arena and looked at each other with Zero and Danielle smirking.

Zero:Finally. Some worthy opponents. Not like the other ones. Let's hope you'll put up a good fight, unlike your mushroom friend, Sonic.

Danielle:I like your outfit, girl. Looks cute. Too bad I gotta soak it in blood. Not mine, in case you're wondering.

Sonic:I may not like Toad, but you have no right to disrespect him and he's dead because of you!

Ajna:Hate to be a bearer of bad news, girlfriend, but it's you who's gonna have blood on your outfit. Your blood, in case you're wondering.

Master Hand:3...2...1...GO!

Zero charged at Sonic with the same dark aura around his hand as Danielle ran at Ajna and started swinging her sword at her. When Zero swung his hand, Sonic dodged the attack and kicked him in the air before jumping up. Sonic then kicked Zero multiple times before spin kicking him before kicking him back to the ground, creating a crater.



Knuckles:COME ON, PAL!

Ajna:*Blocks both of Danielle's kicks and palm struck her face*


Ajna:*Kicks her twice with the second kick sending her flying*

Vegeta:That Ajna girl's pretty skilled in combat.

John:I mean, she was with us while we were at war with King K. Rool.

Vegeta:That's right. Gabriel and Kakarot told me about it.

Deku:Do you think you can tell us about that?

Iida:Yes, it sounds interesting. Whenever you all find some time, tell us the story. Our class may learn a few things from you.

John:*Nods and smiles* Sure. I'd be happy to. Maybe Bakugo can learn something too.

Bakugo:Hey! Why are you saying me specifically, wolf?!

John:*Chuckles* Just saying, man. You might learn how to strategize a little better. I know you're the smartest in the class, but it doesn't hurt to learn more shit.

Bakugo:I guess you're right.

Sonic:Don't blink! *Starts running circles around him* C'mon! Step it up! *Starts punching and kicking Zero*

Zero:*Grabs Sonic's face and slams him on the ground* You goddamn RAT! *Punches him three times*

Sonic:*Kicks Zero with both feet off of him* I'm a HEDGEHOG!

Ajna:*Hits the ground*

Danielle:*Tries to stab her with her daggers*

Ajna:*Dodges the attacks and kicks the daggers out of her hands*

Danielle:*Punches Ajna and kicks her*

Sonic:AJNA! *Spin dashes into Danielle, knocking her into the wall*

Ajna:Thanks for that, Sonic.

Sonic:No problem. *Helps her up*

Zero:Need a hand?

Danielle:Thought you'd never ask, hot stuff. *Takes his hand*

Zero:*Helps her up* I gotta say, you're putting up a good fight.

Danielle:Same to you, Ajna.

Sonic:You're not too bad yourselves.

Zero:*Throws a punch at Sonic*

Danielle:*Tries to kick Ajna*

Sonic and Ajna:*Dodge their attacks and hit them into the wall, defeating them*

Master Hand:By knockout, Sonic and Ajna win the match!

Sonic and Ajna:ALRIGHT! *Hi-five each other*

Sonic and Ajna started to walk back to the designated room as Zero and Danielle did the same. The last few fights are about to go underway.

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