The Final Showdown! Broly vs. Seelkadoom!

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Meanwhile, everyone was on the ropes after attempting to fight Seelkadoom and are watching Broly and Seelkadoom staring each other down. Broly then looked to John and the others for their call to engage.

John:Now's our chance, Broly! KICK HIS ASS!


Broly then charged at Seelkadoom and when he threw the punch, Seelkadoom blocked it, causing both of them to go flying out of Hyrule. Eventually, Seelkadoom broke the block and dodged both of Broly's punches while still flying backwards. Broly then yelled as he went in for another punch, only for Seelkadoom to dodge the attack and kick Broly away from him. Broly then charged at him again and threw three punches, only for him to miss.

Seelkadoom:You're not half bad! Your pathetic friends were a pretty good warm-up and you're the main course! *Punches Broly*

Broly:*Throws three punches only for all three to miss*

Seelkadoom:*Kicks Broly three times, the third one sending him flying*

John:He may be evil, but Seelkadoom's holding up pretty good against Broly!

Vegeta:That's the concerning thing. Broly is the strongest saiyan Kakarot and I know. If any of you were to try and fight him, he would have flattened you.

Gadget:He's at least holding up against Seelkadoom, too. He's still in his base form.

Broly:*Lands on the ground and flies back towards Seelkadoom*

Seelkadoom:Come on! Try being unpredictable!

Broly:*Quickly goes behind Seelkadoom and punches him with the back of his hand*

Sonic:Nice one, Broly!

Broly and Seelkadoom then started growling in anger with their grips tightening. But Seelkadoom then started overpowering him and when Broly tried to free his hands, it was unsuccessful as Seelkadoom yanked him towards himself.

Seelkadoom:This is getting annoying! *Headbutts Broly*

After the headbutt, Seelkadoom then let go of Broly's hands and punched him through three mountains. Seelkadoom flew after him and when he reached Broly, he powered himself up as a dark aura formed around him. After powering himself up, he smiled evilly at him as Broly powered up as well and charged at him. Broly then started trying hitting Seelkadoom with whatever he had, only for Seelkadoom to either dodge the attacks or counter them and Seelkadoom kept attacking, with each one connecting and when he punched Broly again, that was when he noticed Broly's anger rising.

Seelkadoom:What's wrong, now? You're regretting fighting me now?

Broly then punched Seelkadoom's stomach, causing him to go flying and when Seelkadoom hit Ajna's castle, Broly punched him again with both of them going through it as well while everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom was running away.

Seelkadoom:DAMMIT! I may have underestimated him..!

Broly:RRRAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! *Grabs Seelkadoom and throws him into Mobian City*

Seelkadoom:That's it! This ends NOW!!! *Punches Broly*

Broly then went flying through several buildings in Mobian City and was stopped when he hit the mountain surrounded by water. Seelkadoom then appeared above Broly and noticed him behaving differently.


Seelkadoom:*Points his open hand at Broly as a dark orb formed in his hand* What a waste.

Goku:BROLY, NO~!

Seelkadoom then launched the orb at Broly, causing a large explosion, destroying the mountain and sending Broly underwater. While underwater, Broly screamed out in anger as a giant whirlpool formed.

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