Gabriel's Life in Hyrule Castle

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It's been three days after Seelkadoom's defeat and his hold on SMG4 and Tari has been weakened and the places destroyed due to Broly and Seelkadoom's battle are being rebuilt, all except the Donut Plains, that was still covered with lava and volcanoes, making it unable to be populated until further notice. After Hyrule  has been rebuilt, Gabriel has gotten hungry and went to the market to get something to eat.

Sonic:Hey, buddy. How's the castle back in Hyrule?

Gabriel:It's going great. We just finished rebuilding it. I'm going out to eat, I don't want to trouble mom.

Sonic:That's cool. Alright, see you later I gotta help with the Mushroom Kingdom. *Runs to the kingdom*

Gabriel:That was quick.

After a bit more walking, Gabriel made it to the Hyrule Market, not exactly blending in since he was still in his gear, and he started looking for the food area. He eventually found the area and went to the person selling fresh fruit.

Market Merchant:What can I do for you today, sir? There may not be much since it was destroyed in the fight between your saiyan friend and that hedgehog. But we do have a sale on everything you see here.

Gabriel:Hmm. Can I get some apples to go?

Market Merchant:Coming right up. *Puts the apples in a bag* That will be 4 rupees.

Gabriel:*Pulls out his rupee bag and gave the merchant a blue rupee* Is this acceptable?

Market Merchant:Yes, it's fine. I'll just give you your change which is one rupee. *Gives him the rupee* Thank you and have a good day, sir.

Gabriel nodded, grabbing his bag and putting the rupee away. 

He had an agenda of things he needed to do, first is get some furniture for his room in Hyrule castle. Second, he promised he would help train Hylian guard recruits. Third, discourage crime. 

He went over to a furniture shop, not grabbing the cart as he finds some furniture, which he attached to a rope and dragged all his furniture needs to the register. He was obviously not normal, he was dragging incredibly heavy things with just a rope.

After he left from the furniture shop, he went back to the castle and on his way to his room, he ran into one of the soldiers. 

Hyrule Soldier:You have pretty impressive strength. You must have seen a fair share of battles and trained a lot.

Gabriel:Well, that is true, I have done both those things.

Hyrule Soldier:Well, I won't bother you any longer. Can't wait to see how you train those maggots out there.

Gabriel nodded as he continued to drag the furniture to his room. Eventually, he made it to the room and arranged the furniture to where he would be comfortable with it. Afterwards, he went out to help train the recruits.

Zelda:You made it just in time, Gabriel.

Hylian Recruit:Yeah, we thought you weren't gonna show.

Gabriel:Yeah, I had to do a few things, that included setting my room up. In which I'll admit took longer than it needed to.

Zelda:It's fine. Alright, everyone. Let's get started.

They all then started to train for a few hours. They would train almost every day for two hours so they can be ready for any threats that could come their way and be strong enough just in case. After two hours of training, they decided to end it for the rest of the day and had the recruits on watch duty and guarding the different areas of Hyrule.

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