chapter 30

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Happy birthday mom. Even we have an argue in this day.

Cherry POV

It's been a Days since KC and Kara, klara was prank me. But we'll...I forgive them already. I can't resist them kaya!

I'm on the School. Klara was not here. So, I supposed to go to Cafeteria. Damnnnn it! I lost my appetite because of kuya Vill! I hate him! He left me while I'm eating...then after that I'm alone. So I lost my appetite then I got hungry right now...


It's cherry kaya!

I got stop while walking...who's that? It's Voice of a man so, I looked back.

He was walking towards me while his hands on his pocket while his bag on his Shoulder....he looks like a model huh.

It's Zein.

"What now?" I boringly asked while Facing him.

He Smirk then smile sweetly. The heck is wrong with this guy? I rolled my eyes then left him but before I walk he held my arms that makes me stop from walking..

"Childish.... annoyed. Do you? Have a red flag?" He asked then laugh Silently..

"Don't touch me! We're even not closed. Tsk. No. I don't have a red's already done by last Day..." I said then I pout. He just wasting my time. I'm fucking hungry...

This day's I'm always cursing. I don't know but I feel that I'm going mature using Bad words? Nah..naim-plowensiyahan Lang.

"So, your already menopause,do you?" He laughed.

"What the hell----ows I'm sorry but! No! That's not what I meant..ghod!" It's Embarrassing...for me. Only for me.

"Oo na...I was just joking.." Sabi nito at saka ngumisi. Inirapan kolang ito.

"I'm a bad girl now? Isn't it? " Tanong ko. Napatingin ito saakin at saka umiling.

"Bad girl? Of course not. But little bit yet. Because Your now cussing. We're did you get that words... I mean you Learn that from whom?" He asked

"Profanities?uhm..just somewhere. but please don't tell to Mom and dad. And my kuya's also, that I'm saying those words huh? They will get Mad" I said sadly.

Why do I have a bad mouth right now.

"Yeah..fine. well anyways why are you here? The class was start at just 5 minutes" he said then look at his wrist watch. Well he have a luxurious watch huh? What can you say? He's a rich man.

"I'm hungry. Don't ask again please...I'm going to Cafeteria. Wanna join? If you are not I'll gotta go." I said.

He nod then walk with me. He didn't say yes'or No' but I understand him well. He wasn't ude. But little bit yet.

After that. We already have our meals. I'll just buy A breakfast food while him was a junk's to early for that. Because it was just 8 am.

"Stop staring....look at our side. The Demon are here...I mean the damon.. I get it. he's jealous" he whispered the last words that's why I can't understand what he meant.

"What? What did you say at your last words--"

"I didn't die. So, i still don't have any last words."

"Hahahahahah! That's not what I mean. Ur crazy" I laugh with so much fun.

"Yeah...crazy for you" he said.

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