Author's Note;

3.5K 137 10

This is a work of fiction. Names,
Characters, Businesses, Places, Events,
and Incidents are either the product
ofiwriter(s) imagination only or used in afictitious mannner. Any resemblance in actual person living or death is purely coincidental.

This is my second story.

Book 2 of
(Miss Basagulera And The Gangster)

Don't read this first kung hindi niyo pa nababasa ang MBATG.

Expecting the typographical and grammatical errors.

And, I would like to say thank you in
advance for those who will reading this story.

Plagiarism Is A Crime!

Thank you very much,


Ang Astig Na Basagulerang Gangster Book 2 (Under-Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon