
643 33 7

2nd December 2021
Sara's POV:

"We all need to go and look for Charlie whilst Sam is out of the house" Reece said as all the boys and I sat in mine and Reece's living room, "yeah and we may as well stay together, I feel like splitting up will take longer" James nodded, "split up into two groups of four" Tom suggested, "yeah, I'll go with Sara, Reece and Barclay" James nodded, "so we'll go together" Jake said looking at Casey, Tom and Chris, "yeah" Casey nodded, "come on lets find that Jones" Chris said as we all left.

"Where'd you suppose he is?" James asked as we searched the streets, "I don't know James thats why we're looking" I grumbled at him.

We were walking down a bare street when we heard a voice behind us, "looking for me by any chance-" "Charlie" I squealed squeezing him tight in a hug, he barely hugged back, he was glaring at Reece, "Charlie we're so glad to see you" James huffed, in that moment Charlie lashed out at Reece punching him in the face and causing him to fall over, "Charlie what the hell!" I said in shock as everyone looked at him in shock, "Charlie what the fuck was that for?" Reece cursed holding his bleeding nose, Reece stood up, "we need to get you home" I said looking over Reece, Charlie glared in the direction of Reece and now James, it was like looking at a different person, Charlie went to lash out at Reece again but Barclay grabbed him and held him back, "Charlie what the fuck calm down bro" Barclay said keeping Charlie's hands firmly behind his back, "lets get home... Quickly" I said helping Reece as he whimpered in pain.

James text the boys saying we'd found him, Barclay sat Charlie down on the sofa away from Reece and his bleeding nose, "James he was glaring at you to so be careful, I'll leave you guys to it" Barclay said leaving the living room and closing the door, it was just me, Reece, James and Charlie left in the room, it was silent, "Charlie can I ask why you punched Reece in the face?" I questioned, Charlie's head snapped up to look at me, "he's a lier and a cheat. You deserve better Sara" Charlie grumbled angrily, "WHAT DID I DO NOW?!" Reece said sounding slightly fed up, "what you've done Reece is not been recent but finding out about them now makes me think it might be" Charlie said angrily, "gods sake" Reece sighed, "whats he done?" I sighed, I think Tia has already succeeded in twisting his mind. If he loves her enough theres no way he's coming back... If only we had Samantha to tell him everything is a lie.

"He's been sleeping around... Telling other girls he loves them, its disgusting, especially since you have a son" Charlie spat, "I HAVEN'T DONE THIS! WHAT IS EVEN- WHO TOLD YOU THAT" Reece said in disbelief as he heard Charlie's lies, "that is confidential but thats not the point, Even Sara's been sleeping with someone else. James" Charlie said looking at James, "WHAT THE HELL!" James squealed, "HEY! YOURS IS MORE BELIEVABLE THAN MINE!" Reece said pointing at James, "BUT ITS NOT TRUE!" James said angrily, "James, Reece can I talk to you two a moment" I said gesturing for them to follow me, they did.

"Charlie has had his head messed with by a girl named Tia, I don't know how we're gonna fix this but we going to need to need all the help we can. He can't see Tia anymore... Ever!" I explained, "done" James said before we all rejoined in the living room.

"Charlie your not seeing Tia anymore" I stated seriously to him, "you can't stop me" he laughed, "oh can I not?" I growled, Charlie walked over and went to push past me, I gave him a knee to the balls, he groaned as he fell to the floor, "I am stronger than you Mr Jones now... Go to bed. You stay in the guest room next to mine and Reece's room" I explained, he nodded painfully and I watched him as he walked upstairs.

"My nose hurts" Reece moaned as he held a bag of peas to it, "stop being such a girl" I chuckled as me, Sam and Reece sat in the living room, "I'm not being a girl" Reece grumbled, "what happened dad?" Sam questioned, "he had a fight with a ball he lost" I explained, I wasn't telling him that it was Charlie who punched him, "lets have a look" I said turning to look at Reece and going to take the peas from his nose, "no leave them" Reece begged, "let me look you big baby" I said trying to take the peas from him but he held them firm on his nose,"Reece give-me... The-peas" I said straddling over his lap and fighting him off the peas, "gotcha" I said taking the peas and holding them behind my back, "ow ow owwwwww" Reece squealed in pain, "your such a baby" I said looking at his nose, "is it broken?" he asked painfully, "yeah it might be" I joked, "oh my god not my nose I love my nose" he panicked, "its not broken you stupid turd" I chuckled using a wipe that was on the table behind me to wipe any more blood around his nose, "ahh" he said quietly in pain, "ow Sara watch it" he winced, I chuckled at how he was such a whimp over these things, he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer as I wiped the blood stains away, my head rested on his head, "do you want me to kiss it better?" I mumbled, "yes please, but be gentle" I chuckled and kissed his nose gently, I kissed it twice more before he moved his head for me to kiss his lips, I softly touched his top lip and slowly moved down, I saw his eyes were closed enjoying this moment, I smirked and kissed him gently again before pulling my lips away from him but my head still rested on his, "don't stop" he muttered, "what" I mumbled, "don't stop ever" he muttered, "I have to stop someday Reece and plus Sam's here" I whispered kissing him one last time and then sitting back next to him.

What ya think? I put a little whimpy Reece in this one and a little in the next xx

Charlie punched Reece? What the frack bad Charlie! What we thinking Charlie will do next well its worse than a punch ill tell you that and its not Reece ill give you that much xx

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Love Sara xx
Love Stereo Kicks xx

Happily *Sequel to Guitar Hero* (Reece Bibby/Stereo Kicks)Where stories live. Discover now