"I'm coming for you"

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Sara's POV:

James sat with me as I prepared my stuff to leave the hospital, my stitches were out and I had my new inhaler which I was bound to be on for about a good six months or maybe even forever. Great.

"So Mrs, all I have to tell you is to take it easy, no lifting heavy things or operating heavy machinery. Also no intense travelling as a whole day on the road or the whole day inside of a train cabin as that can also have an effect on your breathing" he explained, I sighed as he talked about the intense travelling. I wasn't going to listen, "get lots of rest make sure you nap every 6 to 8 hours and have a full 10 hours sleep at night, these aren't rules but if you keep to what I'm saying it will improve your health rapidly and won't put you in as much danger of coming back to hospital" he explained, although I was listening I was more focused on getting Reece back.

"You hear that Mrs Bibby that means no running off, you need to stay with us boys or stay with someone who can look after you" James said looking me dead in the eye, I nodded with a smile, I lied of course, I'm going finding my husband.

I was sat at home packing a small bag of stuff, I was just about to go when James called;

J: Sara do you want me or Tom to come round and sit with you for a bit we're both free

S: Um... no its fine I'm just sat watching the TV anyway

J: ahh right, so you're definitely still in the house?

S: no I'm obviously on the moon *As she leaves the house*

J: ok dont get sarcastic

*car horn beeps loudly as it goes past*

J: Sara why did I hear a car horn

S: It-It's on the Tv

J: what are you watching?

S: a new TV show that's on it's called... motor vehicles and more

J: Sara that isn't a TV show

S: How do you know I might have been writing it

J: Sara where are you going?

S: to the shop

J: you're lying

S: wow you catch on fast

J: Sara the doctor said no intense travelling especially on a train

S: yeah well I wasn't listening and trains are faster

J: Sara Bibby I swear to god you will not leave London on that train or I will kill you

S: then you'll have to kill me

I quickly hung up and jumped into the van, "the train station" I insisted, he then drove off.

At the train station I grabbed my ticket and got onto the train, I had several messages from James;

Sara don't do this x

You're gonna get seriously hurt x

Sara please don't get on that train x

Get HOME! x

I'm coming to find you x

I'll force your bitch ass home x

I swear to god I'm gonna kill you x

I'm at the train station where are you x

The last one was sent a second ago and the train was just about to leave, come on train move. I begged it silently, I then saw that familiar quiff running on the platform, then I saw James's face, the train slowly pulled away, I sat at the window looking at him. His eyes met mine. He looked so pissed off but at the same time sad. But I had to do this... I had to go get Reece.

Happily *Sequel to Guitar Hero* (Reece Bibby/Stereo Kicks)Where stories live. Discover now