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Read the note at the end x

3rd October 2032

Sam's POV:

So it's a week before the first live show and the theme is number 1's, and the song that James has chosen for us is see you again by Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth which was number one in 2015, when James and Stereo Kicks where just starting out and it meant a lot to them and what had happened, it's a tribute song so me and the boys are changing it as little as possible, we are just taking out the second rap and doing it like that, Jake is rapping which should be great, I am singing the big notes as well, I have a challenge, to live up to my uncle James.

Me and the boys piled into the big blacked out van and we where drove to the arena where we are performing, obviously the arena is shrunk down because the real arena is Wembley when it's the finals, even if we don't make it that far we still get to go.

When we arrived everyone was already there for their first rehearsals, there was a list backstage of who was going on first, everyone had got to go to the studio to record their versions and have the vocal coach help out, then we where going on to perform just stood in a line and then we had to go to the choreographer to sort out choreography if we needed it. First on was the overs group, then boys, then girls and then the groups, in the running order we where last, fucking brill, gonna be here all day.

In the studio I was sat talking to Reese as we both waited for our turn with the vocal coach and to record our version of each song, we knew the song as we had so long to rehearse for it without people.

"So what's your song?" I asked Reese as we leaned on the back of the sofa, "guess" she chuckled, "c'mon narrow it down a little for me" I chuckled, "it was number one for like the first 5 weeks of 2015" Reese chuckled, "I don't know. It's 2032 now" I groaned, "come on Sam it's easy" she giggled, "I don't remember what was number one" I shrugged, Reese then pulled her phone out and started to play the song on her phone, "Uptown Funk. Great choice, you better be as good a fleur was in my dads year" I said raising my brow at her, "I'll try, I'm apparently having just as much choreography. I can't bloody dance" Reese groaned, "you go to a dance school" I said looking at her, "shut up" she smirked at me, I laughed.

After the studio we went back to perform on the stage in front of Brian, his apprentice choreographer and James, after we finished showing them what we had he stood and clapped, "boys your amazing, I don't know what choreography we could put with it though" James said looking at Brian, "I don't think we need a lot for week one. How about we start with James* in the middle because he starts and then when Jake* starts rapping he walks on, and then Sam walks on from the opposite side, then they all sing together, then its that last verse which James* sings, then Sam solos last chorus and does the high note and they all join in, you can all wander the stage but for that big note Sam has, you all need to be back in the middle of the stage, James* in the middle because he's the tallest and Sam and Jake* are pretty much same height so it works well" Brian explained, we all nodded in understanding, "you boys are so much easier to work with than those eight all them years ago" Brian sighed, "it was great bants Brian" James called after him as Brian walked away. "Ok so one more run through and you can go home, its like 5, I'm tired" James yawned. We did one last run through and then went back to the house.

Sara's POV:

I had been with my acts all day and hadn't sat down, I was exhausted, I didn't have energy to shower but I needed one, I opened the door to the house, there was a note on the side,

Upstairs theres a surprise for ya ;) xx

"Reece I'm not in the mood for sex" I groaned heading upstairs. I opened the bedroom door and smelt an aroma coming from the bathroom, I sniffed the air confused and then walked into the bathroom, where the bath was full, the lights dimmed with a few sented candles, the bath was almost overflowing with bubbles and there was an empty champagne glass on the side, the door closed behind me, I turned seeing Reece with a full bottle of champagne, "Reece you did this" I smiled, "no a pack of aliens came down from space and thought they'd run you a bath" Reece sighed, "how nice of them" I smirked kissing Reece's lips softly, "now undress" Reece said putting the champagne bottle down and holding up a towel in front of my body and closing his eyes, "I don't know whether I should take you closing your eyes as a compliment or an insult" I said pulling my shirt off, "just because we've been married like 15 years doesn't mean my lady doesn't deserve privacy" Reece said still with his eyes closed, I chuckled at him, "such a cutie" I said kissing his nose as I finished undressing, "I'm undressed Reece" I chuckled, "well... Get in" he urged his eyes still closed, I climbed in the bath, the bubbles were at first ticklish but I soon got used, it was like the best bath EVA! "I'm in" I said leaning back slightly and getting comfortable, Reece then opened his eyes and put the towel on the towel radiator, he then picked up the champagne and looked at me, "champagne?" he smirked popping off the top, "please" I smiled holding my glass out, he poured the champagne in and smiled at me, he then put the bottle down, "thank you Reece" I smiled at him, "anything for my special girl" he smiled leaning down and kissing my lips, when we parted he stared into my eyes, "you don't get any less beautiful" he smiled at me, I bit my bottom lip slightly, and then poked his nose leaving bubbles on his nose, he went cross eyed looking at the bubbles, "or any less weird" he rolled his eyes smiling as he wiped away the bubbles, "thats why you married me" I chuckled, "no I married you because of everything. I married you because your you" he smiled pecking my lips before leaving me, "call me when your done" he said from outside, "ok" I responded witb a giggle.

"Reece I'm done" I called, he ran in and grabbed the towel and held it up, I got out and he wrapped the towel around me, hugging me tight in the process, he rubbed my sides drying me and then he pulled me into the bedroom, he pushed me onto the bed and dried my legs, "which onezie are you wearing?" he said holding up my plain royal blue one and the baby blue one, "Royal blue" I said pointing to it, "for my princess" he said putting the other away, "Reece I'm ok with every other name but princess" I chuckled, "but it says princess on the back" he said turning it round, it did indeed read princess on the back in gold, "stand" Reece demanded but in a nice way, I stood, "step into it" Reece said holding it for me to put my feet in, he then pulled it up my body and helped me put my arms in, "I'm not incapable Reece" I chuckled, he then zipped it up at the front and pulled the hood up, "no but I wanted to dress you" he smiled, he held my waist and I held his upper arms, he gently pushed me back and onto the bed, "I love you" he smiled at me, "I love you too Reecey pie" I smiled twirling his blonde hair around my fingers.

They left the bath water in :/

Aha ruin the moment Sara as per xx how cute was that on a scale of 1-10? Xx

Please vote and comment xx (I ain't updating till I got 3 good comments)

Love Sara x

Love Stereo Kicks xx

Happily *Sequel to Guitar Hero* (Reece Bibby/Stereo Kicks)Where stories live. Discover now