That dreaded test

637 41 10

2nd January 2022
Sara's POV:

Weeks had past and I had recovered from the incident at the club, all apart from I hadn't slept with Reece since the night before the incident. Chet would call me once a day to see how I was and James hardly let me out of his sight.

I woke one morning and felt sick, really sick, I jumped from bed and ran into the bathroom, throwing up last nights tea, Reece appeared and sat beside me holding my hair back, he grabbed the glass from the sink and filled it all with one hand as he was holding my hair back, "you alright feeling a bit under the weather" Reece said handing me the glass, I wiped my face with toilet roll and took a drink from the glass, "I hate being sick" I shivered, "I know, no one likes it love" Reece chuckled rubbing my back, "you need to sleep Sara, I've said I'd go to the studio with the boys today but I'll stay off if you want" Reece said looking at me, "no, no its alright go I'll be fine" I said shaking, Reece helped me up, "you sure" he said wrapping his arm around my waist guiding me back to the bed, I nodded as he lay me down, "mummy whats wrong?" Sam asked walking in, "your mum's just a bit sick today so you young man need to look after her whilst I'm gone, your the man of the house today" Reece said crouching to Sam's level to speak, "don't worry dad, I am the man" Sam said doing a super hero stance, I chuckled at him, "good, now I have to get ready and go, remember Sam, your the man-" "I'm the man" Sam repeated with a nod.

After Reece had gone I got changed into some sweatpants and a big hoody of Reece's, I tied my hair up and put my ugg boots on, "Sam get your shoes on we're just nipping to the shop" I said grabbing my phone purse and keys, "can I have some chocolate?" he asked jumping up and getting his shoes on, "yeah sure" I chuckled weakly, "yess!" he said standing up ready.

We drove to the chemists, "you coming or not?" I asked getting my things, "I have to choose my chocolate so yes" he nodded, we both got out and Sam held my hand as we walked in, "the chocolates are over there go choose one and get me a wispa" I said pointing to the chocolate at the front of the chemists, he ran over and started staring at the stuff, I looked over all the different female things, my eyes scanned the different products until I found what I wanted, I hesitantly took the three pregnancy tests, and walked to Sam hiding the pregnancy test as best I could, I didn't want him asking, "you chose your chocolate yet" I smiled weakly, "yeah the crunchie but I can't reach it" he said trying to reach again, I grabbed the crunchie for him chuckling weakly, he handed me my wispa and then we went to pay, the woman scanned the stuff and put them in a bag but handed Sam his crunchie back, "bye" I smiled at her, "bye" she replied, Sam waved to her and smiled, she returned the smile and wave. "Don't eat that in the car you'll get crumbs everywhere" I warned, "ok" he groaned getting in.

When we got home Sam ate his crunchie and went in his room and started playing with his cars, and then I heard him on his xbox playing fifa, "Sam stay in your room for a bit please mum just needs to do something" I said going into my room, "ok" he replied, I went into the bathroom and set the tests down, I was insanely worried about this, the last person I'd had sex with/been raped by was Jayy, although I'd had sex with Reece the day before I couldn't take that risk of it being Jayy's. I did what need be done and set all the tests down, I sat on the toilet seat waiting for the time to be up.

Time Up!

My heart pounded in my chest, just two positive tests means I'm pregnant, I didn't want one positive never mind two, so I kept saying to myself, "please don't be pregnant. Please don't be pregnant."

Then I looked at the first one,


I sighed in relief, then the second one,


Then the third,


My whole body felt weak and I broke into tears, I cried and cried until my throat hurt, I can't be pregnant, I'm not supposed to be able to get pregnant, WHY AM I PREGNANT?!

When the boys arrived home, I was sat silently on the sofa, I'd put the tests in the outside bin where no one could find them, "James, can I talk to you a minute please" I asked standing up, "of coarse, sure" he nodded, I then led him out and we began walking to the end of the street where we sat on the bench, "so what is it" he asked with a smile, "James you can't tell Reece promise" I said awkwardly looking down, "promise I always keep things to myself if its you anyway" he nodded, "well you know about the incident" I said already beginning to cry, "shh shh its ok, yeah" James said hugging me and resting one hand on my shoulder, "well today I was sick this morning and I got some pregnancy tests from the chemists and. And I'm pregnant" I cried holding my head in my hands, "bloody hell, um... Well what you gonna do, because its not Reece's" James asked, "I think we both know the answer James" I said wiping my tears away, "I support you, but you have to make sure Reece never finds out, you know how he feels about abortion Sara, if he finds out his wife had one and he doesn't know about the incident, he will flip big time and I don't know what he'd do but I just hope he doesn't find out, if so I hope one of us boys are here to protect you from him, he'd be so angry and upset he won't be able to control himself" James explained, "I know, he won't find out" I nodded, "promise me he won't" James said holding my shoulder, "I promise."

Sooooo thoughts?

Sara's en PREGNANTË! But she's already decided she's not having it lets pray to Jesus Reece never finds out x

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Love Sara xx
Love Stereo Kicks xx

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