"They're teens and we lost!"

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Sara's POV:

So me and the boys are on out way to the venue of this band competition thingy, It is 5 in the morning because we are supposed to start the competition thing at 8 in the morning but we have to sound check. Sam and Reese are going to be in the audience later and the 4 judges are randomly dotted on the first 3 rows of the stage. Our groups were made final and our temporary band names which are pretty weird since we got them off a band name generator. So meet Full Division, consisting of me on drums, James on guitar and vocals, Casey on lead vocals and Barclay on Bass and vocals and Seventh Base, consisting of Reece on drums, Jake on main vocals, Tom on Bass, Charlie on lead guitar and Chris on guitar and vocals. The song my band is singing is The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At the disco and we had rehearsed like crazy for it. Not gonna lie I was an awesome drummer. The thing was that if we did do well and got to the second half we either had to sing another song or sing the same song but swap everyone's positions, which is what we have practiced, we'll be swapping positions. With the other group they were singing Weightless by All Time Low and after listening to them rehearse they sounded awesome.

When we got there I got me a coffee so I would stay awake, "I'm so tired" I groaned looking at the boys, "same, but we have to get this sound check done, then we aren't due to be on until 10 past 8 so you can have a nap" Reece said sitting beside me, "we're gonna whoop your ass" I said tapping his face and chuckling, "you'll try" he smiled pecking my lips, "I'm a very good drummer though" I smirked, "yeah but I've been doing it longer" he said playing with my bandanna, "true" I shrugged.

We watched each other sound check and we sounded pretty awesome, I was still pretty awesome at drumming in the mornings, we then sound checked for part 2 just in case and when we finished The Tide boys were here, "look who it is!" Austin said greeting us, "you alright kids" I chuckled, "yeah, you sounded really awesome from there" he said pointing to the door, "thanks" I smiled, "do you wanna stay for our sound check?" Austin asked, "yeah sure" I shrugged, "cool. Come on lads" Austin said gesturing for the other boys to follow him, Nate twirled his drumsticks in his hands, we all jumped down off stage as they jumped on, Nate went to the drum kit and Levi picked up the bass guitar, Drew and Austin both picked up the other guitars, Austin was lead singer, "What you singing?" I called, "Shut up and dance, by walk the moon" Austin smiled, "and then Drag Me Down" Levi smiled, "yes" James and Jake said high fiving.

As we watched them sound check I realized something, I tapped James who was sat beside me, "hmm" he said still eyes on them, but as I spoke he looked at me, "who does Nate remind you of?" I smirked looking at him and then Nate, James watched him for a moment, then his eyes widened, "Reece. No 16 year old Reece" he smirked, "I know. It's weird, but I guess that makes him hot" I shrugged, "true" he shrugged.

When they finished we all cheered, you could hear me the best. "You guys are really awesome, I've only heard you sing with Sam and the boys but individually with instruments you're so good. I'm jealous" I commented walking to the stage, "thanks Sara" Austin smiled at me, "she's right you're winning this thing" James chuckled, "I bloody hope so" Austin laughed, "I'm excited for this now" Nate said sitting down with his legs dangling off the stage, the other boys then did the same, "yeah me too" Levi agreed, Drew sat quietly, he seems very shy around me and the 8 boys. Not surprising we're very loud. "You're very quiet Drew. We won't bite" I chuckled, "well she might. She's bit me before now" James grumbled, causing the four boys to laugh, "its hard for Drew because he's had a crush on you his whole life-" "you're his celebrity crush" Nate and Levi informed me, Drew just face palmed and hid his face in his hands, he was bright red. "Awh that's adorable" all the kick boys awed, "yeah, nothing to be embarrassed about I'm hot" I shrugged, "you're so full of yourself" Reece laughed, "do you not agree?" I questioned, "yes" he sighed, "anyway you're not the only one" I chuckled rubbing Drew's back, "yeah Nate thinks you're hot to" Austin chuckled, "to be fair though we all think you're gorgeous" Austin shrugged, "you're one smooth talker Austin Corini" I chuckled, "I try" he laughed.

Happily *Sequel to Guitar Hero* (Reece Bibby/Stereo Kicks)Where stories live. Discover now