"Go Kill My Wife"

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Lucy's POV:

I was in the club, alone. Just having a couple of drinks and laying low, my fake name in these places was Chantelle Boothe. I made it up using the internet.

As I was sat drinking, a familiar blonde walked in, Reece. I put my head down as he sat on the bar stool next to me, through my hair I saw his messy blonde hair and resting bitch face, I see the drug took effect, "can I have a vodka and coke please. More vodka than coke" Reece asked, the man on the bar made his drink and handed it to him, Reece handed him the money, "Reece. Hi" I said smiling at him, his brow furrowed, "the fuck you doing here?" he spat nastily after his drink, "having a drink because believe it or not I'm Human" I replied with a shrug, he flared up, standing from his stool after downing the rest of his drink, I also stood and turned away but he spun me round and pushed me against the wall, his hand around my throat, but without a strong grip, "if I tighten my hand. I could kill you" he growled, his face close to mine, ok my plan could seriously backfire here. "Then go ahead.. Why haven't you?" I asked calmly, he glared into my soul. "Where's Sara tonight Reece?" I questioned, "you wouldn't understand" he said softly, "why? What happened" I asked, "I don't need to tell you... She ain't here and I'm hoping not to see her for a while" he growled, "you've split?" I asked, "no. But I told her to leave. She'd be stupid not to" he said removing his hand from my throat, placing it on the wall behind like his other. "She would... Its funny Reece you'll wake up on Wednesday morning with no memory of what happened tonight or what will tomorrow" I smirked, "why?" he growled, "you've drunk so much you'll be out for two days. I like a bad boy myself" I chuckled, he looked into my eyes slightly confused, "fuck it" he rushed out before he pressed his lips against mine, I obviously didn't say no, my hands rested on his chest as we made out against the wall. If only a pap was here now. I hadn't kissed Reece in like forever and he hadn't lost his touch.

When he stopped and looked at me I smirked, "what was that for?" I questioned, "for ruining my life and almost killing my wife on several occasions" he muttered, I chuckled, which had him chuckle, "come on I like this song... Lets dance" I said pulling him to the dancefloor as Carly Rae Jepsen 'I Really like you' came on, he sighed in agreement before laughing.

We danced for hours before we both went outside. Hot and sweaty, we took our drinks out and sat talking, it was weird, talking to Reece like he was a friend again, it felt good not to be fighting him, "I've really enjoyed tonight Reece. We haven't danced together since we were 16 and its the most fun I've had since then" I nodded, he forced a smile, "yeah... Me too" he nodded, he then leaned in again and kissed my lips softly, he stopped and I couldn't help but smile, "what time is it?" he muttered, I pulled my phone out, "5 in the morning" I chuckled, "I best be getting home" Reece grumbled, "if you want you can stay at mine for the rest of the night and go home in the morning?" I suggested, "as much as I love that offer I have to go kill my wife if she's still there" I chuckled, "then why am I stopping you" I laughed, he chuckled, "bye" he waved as he left, I gave him a small wave back and sighed dreamily... Then I realized, I just let myself fall back in love with Reece, and then it hit me. My biggest enemy isn't Sara, its my feelings to Reece, they are what made me like I am, I've been driven by jealously and anger and I just let Reece back in my heart, I won't wanna hurt him... But he'll wanna destroy me.

Sara's POV:


James had held me all night, put up with my sobbing and cuddled me as I slept, I finally woke. I got up and went to the bathroom. I heard the front door open. I opened the bin seeing a package, I picked it up... Confused to what it was.

James's POV:

I woke as I heard the front door open. I stood seeing Reece. He glared into my soul. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he growled at me, "I might ask you the same question" I responded angrily, "I live here" he said through his teeth, "do you now" I scoffed, "yeah. Why you moved in? Fucking my girl as usual" he raised his voice slightly, "I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU CARE SO MUCH YOU WANTED HER DEAD YESTERDAY!" I roared, "DON'T TEST ME GRAHAM!" He growled before storming into the kitchen, "No I wouldn't want to put pressure on your remaining brain cells" I said my voice slightly raised, "DO YOU WANNA FUCKING GO! DO YOU WANT TO LOSE YOUR LIFE!"

Sara's POV:

I could hear the yelling from downstairs but I just had to read this box, "Property of Lucy-" my mind already knew I flipped the box to see the side effects, "the side affects to this drug will last no more than two days, side effects include: short term Depression, violent actions (only after alcohol consumption), nausea, dizziness, tiredness, fits, short term memory loss, short term turrets " *apologies to those who know these are the shittest side affects that aren't side affects*

After reading I knew. This is what Reece had taken without knowing. I need to stop them fighting!

I ran as fast I could down the stairs where the shouting became louder. I flung open the kitchen door. Reece had just grabbed a knife and went to stick it in James's gut. "Stop" it all went in slow motion as I flung myself between the two of them. Before I knew it I felt dizzy. My energy quickly began to leave me. I looked down and the already known sight of a kitchen knife stuck out of my stomach became more and more realistic. People just love to stab me right? I fell back into James's arms, I found it hard to breathe but I looked up at Reece's face. There was just a blank expression before my view of him striding away became blurry, "Ssara. Sara look at me" James's voice echoed in my head but it soon faded. My body fell weaker by the second. I could no longer see anything. I could just faintly hear the noise off James calling an ambulance, I had to tell him about Reece.

"Sara. Hold on an ambulance is coming" James stroked my hair and held his hand where the knife was still impaled inside off me, "James I-" "no Sara don't speak-" "but I jus-" "Sara please... Don't say a word."

James's POV:

What the actual fuck is happening? Sara is dying in my arms and Reece has walked off like he don't give a shit. What the fuck is wrong with him? When he finally realizes what he's done he'll kill himself. Hopefully not literally.

When the ambulance came I rode in the ambulance with her, "Ok so her full name?" the doctor asked me, "uhm... Sara Mae Bibby uhm... Yeah thats right" I nodded, "date of birth?" "t-the 16th of April 1998" I nodded, "ok thank you" the doctor smiled before checking on Sara.

She was rushed in. Taken straight in to be dealt with. I called the boys... To explain everything.

Shit went dowwnnn x

Maybe this time caz it was Reece who stabbed her she'll actually die this time???

And Reece and Lucy hooked upppp! Dayum did yo see that coming? Bet y'all hate me now aha xx

Please still vote and please comment xx Js I won't update until I get people commenting soz if I'm being awkward xx

Love Sara x

Love Stereo Kicks xx

Happily *Sequel to Guitar Hero* (Reece Bibby/Stereo Kicks)Where stories live. Discover now