JB/SB Tour Part 3 (USA)

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Pre note: Inno everyone who has commented dispizes of Justin bieber so if that be the case don't read this chapter or you will think very lowly of Sara xx
Sara's POV:

We're now in America and so far its been great playing shows in England, Liverpool was the best but now we're out in the big cities and we've sold out everywhere!

15th September 2022

We've just played our venue and now we're going back to the hotel to shower and sleep... IN THE SAME ROOM! Alright I'll admit I've got used to Justin being around but that doesn't mean I like him.

"Sara I just heard that theres only enough water for one of us to shower as they're low on water" Justin explained as he came into our room, "Well at least you don't smell so bad" I chuckled, "I'm going for a shower" Justin smirked, "no I'm going for a shower" I demanded, "why do you think you get to use it?" he said crossing his arms, "because ladies first" I smiled, "Sara I'm having a shower" Justin demanded, "go ask someone else!" "right Sara theres only one way to solve this" Justin said approaching me, "we shower together" I laughed at his suggestion, "your kidding right?" I laughed, "no" he shook his head, "I hate you so why would I shower, Naked, with you?" I asked, "because if not you won't be having a shower" he smirked, I shot him a dark glare and then paused as I thought, I really want a shower, "fine. But no looking" I warned, "great lets shower" Justin smiled gathering his things, I groaned and followed him, it was definately the most weird awkward thing I've ever done, it beats nude modelling hands down, stripping off butt naked with your biggest hate, its like a person with aracniphobia stripping off next to a spider, I've got belieberphobia although I'm not scared of him I just hate him.

"Are we ready to get into the shower?" he asked, "yes and no peaking" I warned, "but I've already seen you naked" he chuckled as we climbed in, "I don't care" I grumbled, "water on!" he said as I felt the water hit my skin, I quickly washed my hair and body and waited, believe it or not I was curious, he's seen me naked why cant I see him, I wanna see if he's lower hung than James which is quite hard to beat, "hey Justin can I get out?" I asked politely, "only if I get a peak" he chuckled, "ok but only if you return the favor" I giggled, "fine I have nothing to hide. On three both turn and look" he giggled, "ok" I smiled, "and 1. 2. 3" we both turned and looked at each other, I studied him, "nahh not as good as James" I shook my head, "why James?" he asked, "because James is hung like a horse" I chuckled, "well your not the hottest body I've seen" he nodded, "oh really why?" I chuckled, "because... Ok I'm only saying that because I'm trying to stop myself from grabbing you, you are literally one of the hottest girls I have ever stood naked before" he chuckled, "Grabbing me?" I chuckled, "yeah and kissing you and giving you a big ass hickey on your neck" he nodded, "bet I can kiss better than James" he chuckled, "probably its Reece you have to beat for kissing" I laughed, "I bet I can beat Reece then" he smirked, "bet you can't" I smiled, "ok how bout I give it a go" he smiled, "sure it still won't change that I hate you" I giggled, it took him a minute but he grabbed my waist and kissed me, my hands ventured up his neck and through his wet hair, he kissed my jawline and then my neck leaving a hickey, great Reece won't suspect nothing now, to be honest he won't care if I kissed him because he knows I hate him to much to ever want him sexually, he then kissed my lips again and wrapped his arms around me as he basically ate my face but in a good way, when he stopped he looked at me but didn't let go, "thoughts?" he asked, "that was actually good. But Reece is still better" I smirked, "so... You think we can be friends now?" he asked, "hmm... N-yeah sure what the hell" I chuckled.

End of Tour interview
I- interviewer
S- Sara
J- Justin

I: Hello how are you?

S&J: Good

I: So tour is over how you feeling?

S: sad it was actually fun

J: yeah we had great fun

I: well the big question everyone wants to know is. Are you two friends now?

S: um... Yeah I guess we made up

J: what do you mean you guess hell yeah we made up

I: So is the deal still in order?

S: yeah

J: she's already started

I: well Sara we saw on a photo that you had a love bite on your neck. Care to explain?

S: Him it was him

J: I apologize but I had to make her my friend

I: Aww well thats adorable how you feeling about going home?

S: I can't wait to see Reece and Sam again, I've missed them so much I need Reece's hugs

J: I'll miss this but it'll be nice to be back home

I: you never know maybe in a couple years you can do another tour

J: yeah that would be fun

S: I wanna be told in advance though

I: aha well it was nice seeing you again and I bet theres a lot of people excited for this video to come out

J: I am ahaha

So end of Tour and they are friends Reece was totally ok with the Hickey he still knows that JB would Never take his Sara xx
Sara's just a fucking slut to be honest aha saaaaaame x

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Love Sara xx
Love Stereo Kicks xx

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