I Met A Girl...

582 45 18

5th October 2028
Sam's POV:

I woke up finding myself cuddling Reese, her head buried in my chest as she lightly snored, I looked at my clock.10:07. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table gently so not to wake Reese, I looked over my phone I had a text...

Couzin Deirbhile!
Hey I'm just at the shopping centre looking for some New clothes whilst I'm down here tell your mum and dad so they dont worry xx

Ok I will be quick tho x

Reese then moaned lightly below me and opened her eyes, "morning" I smiled at her, "morning" she moaned, "kids if your up there's breakie down here" my mum called up the stairs, "come on" I said pushing her and getting up, "Samuel Reece Bibby how rude" she chuckled before we both ran downstairs.

We sat at the table, "where's Deirbhile?" my dad asked, "oh yeah I was meant to say. She decided to go shopping for a while, she needs clothes or something" I shrugged eating my nutella on toast, "could've said sooner dumbo" my dad sighed, "sorry" I grumbled under my breath, Reese chuckled beside me, my mum was also giggling. "Your just like each other you two" my mum said looking at me and Dad, "how?" I grumbled, "your both morbid teenagers. Reece never really grew up he's still 16 really" she chuckled, "morbid" dad said with a smirk, "yes. Your stood there with a face on" mum chuckled, "well I apologize" dad said sounding offended, before standing behind her, "big ears" he grumbled at her with a smirk,  "that's really rude" she smiled at him as he walked out.

Sara's POV:
When Deirbhile arrived home with some things she sat in the front room, "sorry for just leaving like that" she apologized, "no its fine" I shrugged, "Oh yeah Sara I Met a Girl, well not a Girl more of a woman, about your age, dark hair quite tall. She said she could tell I was related to Reece and that to tell you, she's alive and to prepare for her comeback" Deirbhile shrugged, "wait... Who did she say her name was?" I said in a panic, "I'm not sure something like, Linda, Lily" "Lucy" I chipped in, "yeah thats the one" she smiled, "Deirbhile if you see her again run. She tried to kill me and almost succeeded" I said with worry, "really. Oh I'm sorry-" "no its fine-" "whats fine?" Reece asked stepping in the room, "Lucy. She's alive" I said sadly, "crap. Why won't she just die" Reece grumbled, "because she's got Jack by her side. Once we remove him we remove her source of protection, which therefore means we can Kill Lucy once and for all."

Short chapter but there was bad news in it so xx

Ok so I think I'm gonna try like doing questions at the end of each chapter like I'll ask one and then each of you peeps ask me one back I'll answer with full honesty it can be about anything like the story or myself but dont just ask 'when's the next update' because I dunno I'm Sara I'm mysterious I update when I feel like it so my question for you guys is:

What do you think the relationship between Sam and Reese is going to be like now Reese has revealed that she gets bullied?

You don't need to give a massive paragraph I would love that but just a couple words will do x write your answer and then a question for me I'll try and answer them ASAP xx (also I put a cast on but there's so many people JJ and Harley didn't fit so they are played by JJ:Emma Fuhrmann and Harley: Ariel winter also Lucy is played by Victoria Justice if you didn't already know)

Please vote and comment xx

Love Sara xx
Love Stereo Kicks xx

Happily *Sequel to Guitar Hero* (Reece Bibby/Stereo Kicks)Where stories live. Discover now