I'm Leaving

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Please read note at the end xx

Wednesday Morning

Reece's POV:

I woke, my head was aching like mad, I must have gotten hella drunk. I don't remember a thing from last night. I got out of bed and looked on my phone. Wednesday. Wednesday I thought it was Monday morning. What the fuck? How can I have been pissed for an entire 48 hours!? I then looked beside me. An empty bed, all I can remember is having that first glass of wine. The rest... I have no idea.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. That's when I saw it. The large patch of blood on the floor and one of the knives was missing. I started to worry. What happened here? I pulled my phone out and rang Sara's phone, there was a ringing sound that came from the living room, a smashed but useable phone on the table. It was Sara's. She takes her phone everywhere? I decided to call James. He finally answered,

"Hey James... Uhm have you seen Sara, I'm worried as to why her phone is smashed and there's blood on the kitchen floor" I asked, "oh so you finally care now" he said angrily, "you'd better come to the hospital" he sighed. Ok now I really hated what was going on. He put the phone down and I rushed to the front of the house. A van was waiting for me, I climbed in, "take me to the hospital" I insisted, he then drove away.

I burst into the hospital and Tom waited for me, "Tom. What's going on?" I said in panic, "you should probably come with me" he said sadly, I followed quickly behind, we finally reached a waiting room where all the boys were sat, no one else was in here. James looked particularly pissed, "what's going on? Somebody tell me quickly" I said rushing my words, "what's going on? So you finally care do you? Quite frankly I don't know why your here, you don't give a shit about her. Not to do that anyway, drunk or not" James said angrily standing up, "James sit down-" "what are you talking about?" I questioned confused, cutting Tom off, "oh right yeah. You were to drunk to remember weren't you-" "James sit down-" "I don't understand-" "YOU STABBED YOUR FUCKING WIFE MATE AND SHE'S ON HER FUCKING DEATH BED BECAUSE OF YOU-" "JAMES SIT DOWN! NOW!" Tom roared, I felt myself weaken. What did I do? I stabbed her. Myself. Tears streamed down my face. James sat, "I-I did w-what. N-no I-I cou-couldn't have. I wouldn't. N-not to Sara" I stuttered out crying. All the boys looked at me, I wiped my face with my hands, they looked at me because it was true. I couldn't stop crying. "where is she?" I sniffled, Tom pointed to the room behind me, I turned and waiting a moment before opening it, I looked at her. What have I done? I can't have done this. I walked over and looked at her, I traced invisible lines and swirls on her hand, I looked at her face. Still perfect. I should enjoy it as much as I can before I leave. When she wakes, which she will, she'll never want to see my face again. One chance I had and I'd lost it for sure.

I slumped beside her and lifted the sheet to see her wound, I cried more as I saw it. I did that. Me, to my wife. What if Sam found out? He'd never want to see me again. I can't lose my kid. I'd have nothing. Maybe that's what I'm better with... Nothing.

"I'm so sorry Sara a-and. I'm not going to give you a speech because you've heard it all before. You're too good for words. I did this to you and I know you won't want to see me again. Why would you? Just take good care of Sam. He needs you more than me. Sara I'm sorry for these years we spent together. You always will deserve better than me. So all I need to say is... I love you Sara. I love you Sara Jones to the moon and beyond" I smiled and kissed her temple then her lips, then I grabbed the pen from the bedside table and wrote on a napkin,

Dear Sara,

    I know you will wake up and when you do, read this.

I'm leaving my ring here beside you because I know you'll want us to be over. Please keep it and remember the good times we had together. Tell Sam I've gone away. Please don't tell him what I did please. I couldn't bear him to know I did that to you. Your still perfect to me but I don't expect this letter to make you feel like you should want me back. Good luck and live well xx

   Love Reece x

I cried as I pulled my ring from my finger and placed it above the napkin. I huffed before walking out. "Reece" the boys called but I just ran off.

When I got home I stuffed as much of my clothes as I could into a suitcase. I also packed my rucksack full of things I needed and changed into, black skinny jeans, a black sweater and put on my plain black beanie. I was leaving my phone behind but first I had a call,

"Reece where the hell did you go?" James growled, "I'm sorry James but I'm leaving. Its over for me and Sara I know it" I rushed about as I packed clothes, "what the- where will you go?" he asked, "to stay with my sister in Manchester. It's far enough away from you all" "Reece what about Sam?" he asked with worry, "Sara will wake up" "and if she doesn't" "either send him up to me or you boys look after him. It'll be safer" "Reece what about the band?" everything fell silent.

"I-I'm sorry James. For me, it's over."

I hung up and I ran out of the house and threw my stuff into the van.

"Drive me to the train station."

Sara's POV:

My eyes finally saw daylight. They fluttered open and I looked up at the ceiling. I turned my head to the bedside table, I saw a napkin held down by a ring, Reece's ring, I picked both up. I read the napkin and tears fell from my eyes, "no. Reece" he didn't know he was drugged. James walked in, "How long has Reece been gone?" I asked quickly, "Sara you're awake-" "where's Reece?" I demanded "he left for Manchester about 10 minutes ago" James shrugged, "why do you want to know?" James shrugged, "he was drugged James. He doesn't understand himself. The pain killers he thought he was taking had been replaced by a drug that sent him doolally. Lucy planted it. He doesn't remember what happened. It wasn't his fault he did this. The alcohol. It made the drug worse. He can't leave. He's done nothing wrong" I hardly took breaths. By the end I felt faint, I struggled to breathe because I was panicking, James rushed over and told me to breathe, but I couldn't. Then a doctor and a nurse rushed in and placed the oxygen mask over my face, "I need Reece" I tried to speak, "don't talk miss-" "but I need Reece" "miss you could kill yourself by talking" the doctor repeated. "Reece. I-I need Reece."

Reece's POV:

I arrived at the train station right on time. The platform was busy. So many people walking about and talking. Everything was in slow motion as I walked along the platform to get to my train. My hand gripping the handle of my suitcase. My feet connecting with the floor. Everyone's voices morphed into one.

I climbed aboard the train and took my seat.

I sat there alone. I only had my old IPod which worked. I sat with my headphones in listening to old songs... Sara's songs.

I gazed out the window as the train pulled away from the station.

He's gone does this mean Rara is over for good?!? Xx

How do you think Sam will react he isn't stupid xx

Right who actually is enjoying this book? Because I feel like I'm letting you all down and I don't know if I should just end it I feel like I'm writing shit and I'm letting everyone down so just tell me if you want it to be over and if no one comments I'll take it as a yes xx sorry if it is shit btw xx


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Love Sara xx

Love Stereo Kicks xx

Happily *Sequel to Guitar Hero* (Reece Bibby/Stereo Kicks)Where stories live. Discover now