I can't find her...

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Reece's POV:

"Theres still no sign of her" Tom said as we all gathered in the living room, I sat silently, this is all my fault, I yelled in her face and slapped her no wonder she doesn't want to be found, "I checked Chet's house but he says he's not seen her" Casey spoke up, "theres no point she doesn't wanna see me and I don't blame her" I grumbled, "we're finding her Reece she's my sister after all" Charlie said looking at me, "I've tried calling over a million times" Jake huffed putting his phone in his pocket, "right guys we need to think smart, where are the places she would go after being in a massive argument with her dearly beloved who basically said they're getting a divorce" James said sitting on the sofa, "wait... I don't know where she is but I know what level she'll be on" I said in a panic, "where Reece?" Barclay asked, "somewhere high up-" "ahh not the suicidal things again, Reece why do you forget about the suicidal things" Charlie groaned as we all ran out, "everyone spread out if we haven't found her by 5 o clock tonight we come home, Sam is being picked up by Leondre and Jade so we don't need to come back at three we have three hours. GO!" James said before we all ran in different directions.

Sara's POV:

I was stood on the London bridge, you know where midnight memories was filmed, the breeze was nice on my face, I sat in the doorway, so I could look out, "hey" I heard a voice behind me, "hey" I said with a smile looking at the broad figure, "why you up here?" he asked, "whats the great Liam Payne doing up here?" I asked with a smile, "I believe I asked you first" he said sitting oposite me, "Eugh fine, my whole life has gone tits up, the guy who is supposed to love me sounds like he'd rather wish me dead" I smiled weakly, "Reece, wow and I thought you two were inseparable" he chuckled, "really?" I smiled, "yeah everyone thinks so well everyone I've talked to, your perfect for each other" he smiled, "obviously not, he's probably sat at home throwing darts at a picture of me" I sighed, "well I know its high up here but I believe that messy haired blonde boy down there is Reece the one walking in circles looking for you by any chance" he said thinning his eyes and trying to make out the person, "well I don't wanna see him. So why you up here?" I asked, "probably the same reason as you-" "no I'm contemplating my life" I chuckled, "well I'm thinking about mine" Liam smiled, "how far down do you think the bottom is?" I asked looking over, "a long way don't jump" he grumbled, "I won't not yet anyway" I chuckled, "well I'm gonna go-" "Don't tell Reece I'm up here" I warned, "okay" he sighed. I just thought me and Reece were so well off, I just remember back to the time when I came around for my second guitar lesson, the first time me and Reece kissed...

I was driven to Jamie's for my second guitar lesson, I walked up to the door more confident than I was before, Reece answered, "oh hey Sara come in" he smiled at me, I waved at my mum as I closed the door behind me, "I've got some news, my dad can't teach you this week he's been called into work literally 10 minutes ago" Reece led me into the front room, "oh right" I sounded quite sad I was looking forward to this lesson, "but don't worry, I told him I'd do it instead" Reece said picking his guitar up from its stand, "wow this should be fun" I giggled, "it will, don't doubt my powers" Reece smiled at me.

10 minutes into the lesson and Reece was teaching me how to play Beethoven, another Union J song, in fact not only my favourite Union J song but my favourite song, so I was really happy, but I found it more difficult than beautiful life, "no let me show you" Reece smiled, taking his guitar from over his head and standing behind me, showing me the chords with his arms wrapped around me, "ah right I get it now" I nodded, "okay so play that intro bit" Reece said putting the strap back over his head, "1...2...3...4"

We both played the intro together, but when I stopped he carried on singing up to the chorus, "stop it you make me jealous of your voice it's soooo good" I said through my teeth, "well your voice is good to" Reece smiled at me, "that reminds me have you chosen your audition song yet" I asked him, "yes but its a secret" Reece tapped his nose, "that's not fair" I moaned, "yes it is fair" he nodded his head.

"Right sing the first verse for me" Reece asked sitting down, "eugh fine" I complained, "1...2...3...4"

It feels like whiskey and butterflies

like midnight kisses in the morning light

waking up with you here by my side

You leave me breathless, leave my breathless, So, oh, oh

"you are so good, stop saying your not good, it really frustrates me" Reece smiled laughing a little, "sorry" I pouted as Reece shuffled closer to me, "you should be" he moved his chair slightly forward, and looked into my eyes, just staring like he'd been hypnotized, "Reece what's wrong" I smiled slightly worried there was a spider on my head or something, "nothing... hey you don't mind if I try something, you won't try to kill me or something" Reece asked, "no not at all, unless you try to kill me" I chuckled, he then moved sitting next to me on the sofa, he still looked into my eyes, leaning in slightly, hesitating and then pressing his lips up against mine, they where soft like I'd predicted and it wasn't rough, then he pulled away and looked at me, "what was that for?" I asked curiously, "nothing, I've just been curious, that's all" Reece smiled at me, I was pretty confused to what had just happened, "right so shall we learn the next verse."
End of flashback

I sighed and continued looking out over the massive city that is London.

Shit chapter but Liam Payne was in it so its worth while and that flashback is from the original 4th chapter of guitar hero i thought putting that in would be cool and make it longer x

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Love Sara x
Love Stereo Kicks x

Happily *Sequel to Guitar Hero* (Reece Bibby/Stereo Kicks)Where stories live. Discover now