J-James No!

706 41 22

14th November 2031
Sara's POV:

"James we are literally just going for a Starbucks" I said as James asked, repeating where we were going, "can I come pleeeaaaaseee Caitlin has taken the kids to her parents house for two days and I didn't go because I over slept and I forgot where her parents live. Today has just been a disaster" James groaned, I sighed, "fine you can come with us. But ONLY if your on your best behavior" I pointed sternly at him, "I will I promise" he nodded.

Me, Reece, Sam and James all headed down to Starbucks. The Starbucks today had been left with an open door and it wasn't very busy, we walked in James and Sam talking amongst themselves behind me and Reece, "James, Sam what do you want?" I asked them turning around, "anything. Whatever your having" James shrugged, "same mum and a muffin or somet" Sam shrugged, "ok" I muttered turning to face Reece.

When we were being served James and Sam were laughing to each other behind me and Reece, there was still no one behind James and Sam, Reece was getting everything when James yelled behind me, "SAM MOVE" he screeched pushing Sam out the way as there was a loud bang, I turned looking at James, Sam looked at him wide eyed. James then collapsed to the floor, blood poured from just below his chest, the people in Starbucks screamed and started to panic, there was another shot fired but no one was hit, then Reece spotted who it was. We looked at each other, "Everybody get out" Reece yelled at everyone, I fell beside James and held his head, I noticed Lucy run away before Reece could chase after her, so he called an ambulance.

"James. Look at me. Reece is calling an ambulance" I said trying to be as calm as I could without crying, Sam stood above him in shock, "I'll be fine Sara" he chuckled weakly, his eyes flickering from closed to open, "I know" I nodded placing my hand over his wound trying to stop the blood, "Sam get me a napkin" I instructed him, he nodded and ran and got me one. Sam still stood in shock over him, he couldn't speak, "I had to save Sam, as long as he's alright" James gulped, "yeah he's fine. Thank you so so much James your literally a life saver" I smiled, a tear rolling down my face, "all for you. As long as you and your family are ok. I don't care what happens to me" he smiled weakly, I can't believe he just Said that, "J-James No! Don't ever say that. I love that you look out for us but your just as important-" "the ambulance is on its way" Reece said with a heavy huff running his hand through his blonde hair.

James was rushed to hospital. Me, Reece and Sam all made our way to the hospital, Sam was silent the whole way. I called Caitlin, she was on her way here now without the kids, she was coming on the train so it was faster. We got out the car and saw James rushed into theater, his eyes were closed. Come on James. We need you...I need you.

We all sat outside his room waiting for some good news, Sam had his head rested on my shoulder as I played with his blonde hair, I kissed his head, "he's going to be alright?" Sam muttered, this was the first time he'd spoke, I sighed, "I don't know, he's James, he's the most unpredictable person I know" I said looking down at him, I looked at Reece who was sat quietly, "hey, Reece. Just think positive. You too Sam" I said smiling at Reece, Reece gulped. Then a doctor walked out.

"I see a lot of you people. When will this Lucy girl get arrested. They've been searching for her for years now" the doctor sighed, "tell me about it" I nodded, "James is ok for now, but as you know I can't say he's out of the woods yet. We're just hoping he wakes up soon and then we'll check him and give you the thumbs up. However he might not wake up and he could be done. Your family and these boys always seem to survive. So keep your heads up and hope for the best. Its all you can do for now" the doctor explained, we all nodded, "can we see him?" Reece asked, "yes of course" the doctor nodded before walking off, "I want to go in first" Sam spoke up, "by myself. If thats ok" he said looking at me and Reece, "y-yeah thats fine" I nodded, "go on" Reece smiled at him.

Sam's POV:

I opened the door. I looked at his pale face, I stepped over slowly and stood over him, "if you could see your hair now you'd go mad" I chuckled looking at his hair which was a mess, "why James? Why push me out of the way?" I said a tear rolling down my cheek, "I don't tell you enough that I love you. Or with my mum or Dad actually, your a big inspiration to me James. My biggest. Your voice is amazing and I've wished forever that I had your voice. I've tried to be you but I'll never be as good as you. Your like mum. You both have those voices that let you sing anything, my dad has that voice but its nothing on yours, your the best James, everyone knows it, your still teaching me to be a man, even if I act like a little girl some times. You are my idol, I do everything you do because I think your amazing, I love my mum and Dad past the moon and back but I'm like that with you. Losing you is just as bad as if I lost one of them. Don't die James. Please" I sobbed, looking over him once and then turning. Putting my hands in my pockets and leaving.


Question of this chapter is:
Why do you think Sam has such a strong connection with James??

Now you ask me one I'll answer literally anything xx

Please vote and comment xx

Love Sara xx
Love Stereo Kicks xx

Happily *Sequel to Guitar Hero* (Reece Bibby/Stereo Kicks)Where stories live. Discover now