Rehearsals W2

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Sara's POV:

I was driven to rehearsals in a blacked out van, Sam thought I was ok now and didn't know that the reason I wasn't better was that I kept trying to fuck off so my oxygen is limited.

When I arrived I wasn't strapped to anything and I was alone so I had to walk sensibly and not yell at anyone or run off, I walked into the building and I walked to where all my acts would be, I stepped into the room and they all smiled and greeted me, "how are you?" Reese asked, "been better... How's Sam?" I questioned, "not good, he hasn't seen either of you or Reece at all, he's had a face on him all week" Reese admitted, "if you want go and see him we know what we're doing, the songs you've chosen for us are beautiful and we know them well, go see Sam" Rosalynn smiled at me, "thanks" I smiled.

I walked out of the room and began walking down the hallway, I ran into Sam coming out the bathroom, he didn't look best please, "Hey" I shrugged, "what. Oh hello who are you. My mum oh really well I haven't seen you in a week, Oh did you bring that dad I haven't seen in just as long too, did you have a child whilst you were away, is that why you where in hospital" I felt like crying at his reaction, "you know I can't Sam" I growled, "WELL WHY THE HELL COULDN'T I COME SEE YOU! YOU ARE MY MOTHER AND YOU FORBID ME TO SEE YOU! WHY?" He yelled, I haven't ever seen him this mad. Ever. I stayed quiet, "WELL! AND WHERE THE HELL IS DAD?!" I felt a tear roll down my face, it was quite scary how much he sounded like Reece when he yelled, "he isn't here" I muttered,, "AND WHY IS THAT!" he boomed, "WELL! WHERE THE HELL IS HE-" "HE'S GONE!" I yelled, whoops. "GONE WHERE!" Sam yelled, "HE'S LEFT! HE'S IN MANCHESTER WITH HIS SISTER AND HE ISN'T COMING BACK UNTIL I CAN FIND A WAY TO GET UP THERE! I NEED TO TALK TO HIM BUT NO ONE WILL LET ME GO!" fuck. Vision. Blurred. Need. Oxygen. Sam turned from mad to shocked to like he was gonna cry, "Sam-need-to-go" I said struggling to breathe, "mum" he said worried, I went to turn and go but my body just fell, "MUM" he yelled catching me, he was crying, "get-James" I said with little breath, "no it might be to late, I have no idea where he is. Oh wait phone" Sam said pulling his phone out, "shit. No signal, ok you're not heavy mum I'm heavier than you, to the judges panel right?" he tried to chuckle, I nodded, trying to keep breathing but failing, I felt my weight be lifted from the ground.

When I woke I was lay on the panel, Sam and James where looking over me, "sorry mum. For yelling at you. I didn't know" Sam smiled kissing my cheek, "please don't die on here, I have to work here tomorrow" James chuckled.

Sam's POV:

I walked away and outside and pulled my phone out, I checked my newsfeed on twitter when I came across two images, they were slightly blurred but I could tell one was dad, the other, a brown haired- Wait. Fuck no! It was Lucy! On one he was kissing her! WHAT-THE-FUCK! I felt myself get mad, I then stormed into the arena, I would show James not mum, she wasn't in the right state.

"James!" I called, he looked up, "yup" he nodded, "I need to show you something" I said pulling my phone out, "what is it?" James asked, I showed him the pictures. His eyes widened, "when were they taken?" James rushed, "the early hours of Monday morning" I nodded, "Monday... Oh right so that's where he was-" "what does this mean?" I asked, "Sam when your old enough to understand whats going on I'll tell you. Your still to young at 16 to understand. I know this will sound crazy. But your dad isn't doing anything wrong. Kissing someone when you have a wife is really wrong but he had no idea what was going on. Just forget you ever saw that picture. Don't mention it to anyone. Promise me" James said holding my shoulders, "I-I promise" I nodded, "good, now you and the boys need to rehearse. Not gonna lie Sam we need more umph from you, If not you could be in the bottom two" James admitted, "I'll try" I nodded, "no. You'll do" James pointed at me, "ok" I said forcing a smile.

So live shows and results in next chapter x somethings gotta happen right? Will Reece show up? Will Sara collapse on stage? Will Triple Bass get in the bottom two? Or will all of these happen?

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Love Sara x

Love Stereo Kicks x

Happily *Sequel to Guitar Hero* (Reece Bibby/Stereo Kicks)Where stories live. Discover now