So spill, is she pretty?

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

I stare in awe as she walks out the coffee shop door.

I snap out of my thoughts by the sound of the barista clearing his throat and nodding towards the coffee cup on the counter.

I quickly picked it up and shot him a "thank you." Walking out the glass doors.

I glanced down the street in the direction she walked, hoping to get another look, but she was gone. I cross the street and head for my car, taking the usual route to work.

I had come to the park this morning to read for a while before work. Bumping into her was a complete mistake. I had my head in my book looking for a distraction from the real world, when she ran into me.

I was looking for a distraction, I sure found one.

At the park I tried to make it seem like I wanted to buy her coffee, but I can't flirt. So of course it came out all wrong. The look on her face said she was disappointed too.

I think she thought I didn't want to get coffee with her. But of course I did. I'm such an idiot.

In a way, I'm kind of glad I spilled my coffee on her. If I didn't, I guarantee I would have kept my head in my book and not even seen her at all.

I hope she didn't think I was rude not really making eye contact at the park. She was wearing a black sports bra and leggings and with my coffee spilled down her chest it was hard to look away. And I did. Mostly.

I wish I asked her for her number. I've only spoken to her twice and already I feel like I have to get to know her. I feel drawn to her, not only her natural beauty but by her in general.

She seems so confident, so sure of herself. Even able to joke and flirt with me without turning the color of a tomato, which I'm sure I am if I look in a mirror.

At least I got her name. Averie. It suits her. Her naturally wavy chocolate brown hair falling over her shoulders. Her perfectly shaped freckled face with her sweet and luminous brown doe eyes, small nose and her full lips. I hope she didn't catch me staring at them.

Taking a sip of my coffee walking into the BAU, I decided that coffee shop was my new favourite. The coffee was average, but she most definitely was not.

I greeted the team on the way to my desk and sat down the start my paperwork for the day.


By the time lunch rolled around, most of the office was cleared out. Without all the noise around, my mind was finally clear and wandered back to Averie at the sight of the empty coffee cup on my desk.

I can't help but wonder was she actually interested in me or was she just being nice?

She was flirting with me, right? I've never been good with social queues but I think she was? I hope so.

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