Can I sit on santa's lap?

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

No, not happening."

Turns out what Spencer wanted to show me was a pop up winter wonderland festival, which happens to have an ice skating rink. I've never ice skated before and my legs feel like jelly just looking at the crowds of people skimming around the ice.

Spencer ignores me, kneeling down between my legs and slipping off my shoes. He puts my skates on one by one, making sure they're tied tightly before putting on his own.

He takes my hand and leads me over to the entrance, spinning around to face me when he steps onto the ice. I stop at the edge, gripping the railing when he tries to pull me forward.

"Come on," He laughs, his fingers locking with mine when he gives me another gentle pull. "It will be fun."

I resist his attempts to tug me onto the ice. "I don't think me falling on my ass is going to be any fun."

His lips quirk up. "Well.."

When I send him a glare his lips fold into a tight line, biting on the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.

"Do you trust me?" When I nod he reaches his other hand out, encouraging me to grab it. "I won't let you fall."



I blow out a breath, reaching forward and taking his hand cautiously.


I blink. "Hm?"

"You have to actually step onto the ice."

Damn it.

Pursing my lips I slowly bring my foot onto the ice, followed by the other once I feel like I won't fall over. Spencer starts moving backwards, pulling me along with him as he skates further into the rink.

He pumps his eyebrows at me as he continues to glide backwards, perfectly dodging all the other skaters.

"Show off." I mumble.

One eyebrow raises, his tight grip on my hands loosening. "Do you want to go let go?"

I'm pretty sure I might break his fingers from how hard I clutch them. "Don't you dare."

Once we reach the middle he lets go of one of my hands, demonstrating to me how to glide across the ice while I struggle to even stay still.

Once I feel like I understand the concept, I attempt to shuffle forward on my feet, smiling at him when I eventually find my balance.

I feel like a toddler learning how to walk while he waits a few yards away for me to eventually make it over to him. It takes me longer than I'd like to admit to reach him, but when I do he pulls me into his arms.

"You did it," His smile softens as he skates further away. "Once more."

I attempt to scoot forward again but cut myself off with a small yelp when my skate gets caught beneath me and I head straight for the ice.

Spencer rushes forward, hands sliding around my waist to catch me just before I hit the floor. He breaks out into laughter, pulling me to my feet again. "What happened? You were doing so well."

I hide my face in his chest as the other people continue to skate around us, kids narrowly dodging us with those penguin skating aids. "This place is a death trap."

I gasp when he spins me around, placing his hands on my hips as he starts to skate easily against the ice.

"You're doing good," He says, even though I'm not actually doing anything. I'm basically just keeping myself upright as he pushes us around the rink. "And my view isn't bad either."

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