What my wife wants, she gets

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

"Happy wedding day!"

I groan when I pull the throw blanket over mine and Spencer's head, desperately trying to drown out the sound of Penelope's voice. I don't know what time it is, but I already know it's too early.

"No," I mumble, curling into Spencer's side. The part of me that's drained and exhausted asks, "Can we do it later?"

The blanket is ripped from us in one quick motion, Penelope's scrunched eyebrows and pout on her lips peering down at us.

I yawn, still not moving my head from Spencer's chest. "You are so lucky we're dressed."

"Just be grateful I'm not more mad at you," She says, wagging her finger between us both. "The two of you, sneaking off in the night like that. What got into you?"

"Sorry mom," Spencer and I mutter at the same time, causing us to turn our heads to each other and burst out laughing.

Derek appears through the door with two cups of coffee, handing one to each of us. "Took us all of two minutes to know this is where you guys came," He laughs.

After we got out of the lake last night, we were freezing so we lit the fire in the cabin which we obviously feel asleep in front of until now.

"Say your goodbyes," Penelope claps her hands together, trailing into the bedroom. "We've got work to do!"

I lean down and kiss Spencer's lips once, twice, three times. "See you at the end of the aisle?"

He grins, placing one last kiss on my lips for good measure. "I can't wait."


"I mean this in the nicest way possible, you look like shit."

I snort at Penelope's comment, taking a seat in front of the dressing table. "I feel like shit."

I don't know if it's from the nerves, that Indian food yesterday, the lake water last night or the coffee on an empty stomach, but I honestly feel like I could throw up.

"I feel sick," I mumble, dragging my hands down my face. "Why did you let me eat all that Indian food yesterday?"

"I feel fine. It's just the nerves," Penelope assures me, giving me a bottle of water. "Drink this."

I open the cap, swallowing down most of it hoping it will settle my stomach. I don't think I'm that nervous, so it must be a mixture of everything else.

"Your hair," Penelope whines, dragging her fingers through it. "What did you do?"

I wince when she's met with nothing but knots and tangles. "Lake water."

"That is a story I want to hear about another time," She laughs, pushing me towards the ensuite. "For now, shower please."


Twenty minutes later I'm freshly showered, sitting patiently while Penelope gets to work on my hair.

In under ten minutes she has it from looking like a birds nest to a messy styled loose low bun, pulling out some of the front pieces to frame my face.

Just as I'm telling her how much I love it, JJ, Emily, Hotch and Rossi come through the bedroom door, all immediately greeting me.

I must definitely look better than I feel right now because they all tell me that I'm glowing. I guess getting married to the love of your life gives you that look.

"This isn't fair!" Spencer's voice carries through the thin walls. "Why am I alone?"

There's only two bedrooms in this cabin and the open plan kitchen and living room area so in an attempt to keep us away from each other, Spencer and I are basically locked in one bedroom each.

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