What are you? Wolverine?

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

"You look like Rudolph."

I squint my eyes through the beaming sun and send Averie a glare as she laughs at me, reaching into her bag and pulling out the sunscreen.

After two full days in the sun, Averie is at least three shades darker and I'm at least five shades pinker.

She scoots closer to me, settling onto my towel between my legs. She sits back on her haunches, opening the bottle and squeezing some onto her fingers.

I watch her as she smooths it over the bridge of my nose and my cheeks, seconds later her eyes shine with amusement, bringing her other hand to cover her mouth when she breaks out into a fit of laughter.

I pinch her hip. "What's so funny?"

She snickers, wiggling her fingers covered in the white liquid she's spreading over my face. "Usually this is the other way around."

My head falls back when I laugh, "Shut the fuck up."

I lean back on my palms, admiring her as she continues to work it down my neck, biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from making that comment again when she spreads it across my chest.

I sit up straighter when she moves to sit behind me, turning my head with a confused look on my face when she starts laughing again.

"What's so funny now?"

"Wait," She giggles, reaching for her phone. "Turn around."

I do as told until I hear her snap a photo, still snickering to herself.

"What's on my—" I take the phone from her hands, wide eyed at the picture of the red scratch marks all down my back. "What are you? Wolverine?"

These past two days have been torture seeing Averie sauntering around in various different small pieces of fabric she calls bikini's. Don't get me wrong, I'm very greatful for it, but getting worked up on the beach every time I let my gaze linger too long is definitely not appreciated by the general public.

Note to self- when booking our honeymoon, make sure there's a private beach.

But all of the frustration I build up during the day is dissolved when we get back to the hotel at night. And if the scratches on my back doesn't tell you how much seeing her in those bikini's gets me worked up, I'm sure whoever is staying in the hotel room next to us can attest to it.

I've seen every inch of her thousands of times, but it's still always just as exciting as the first time.

And she knows exactly what she's doing to me, too. Today's bikini is a little white triangle top with matching side tie bottoms and I swear I've seen her wear underwear that covers more. Not that I'm complaining, me and the towel covering the tent in my swim shorts are very happy with her choice of swimwear.

She squeezes some of the sunscreen into her hands, smoothing it up her arms before slipping her hands underneath the strings haltered around her neck, rubbing it into her chest and my gaze roams the slope of her waist and the curves of her hips.

My cock twitches and I avert my eyes to the sand. "Do you like turning me on in public or something?"

She stops her movements, flicking her eyes to mine when she says, "I'm putting on sunscreen?" When I narrow my eyes as her, she shrugs. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Averie turns and lays stomach down on her towel, gathering her hair over her shoulder when she turns her head to me, "Can you get my back?"

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