A complete ball of happiness

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

I love being a dad. I've barely been a dad an hour but that's long enough to know that I love it.

Not to be cocky, but I'm good at a lot of things. But being a dad is going to be the best thing I'm ever going to do in my life.

Averie and I are the typical first time parents. We're impressed by a yawn. Our son just yawned and we're awing. If I wasn't us, I'd hate us.

Averie scrunches up her nose. "We're going to be them annoying parents that clap when the kid jumps, aren't we?"

I laugh. "Definitely."

I don't know how it's possible to love someone this much. Yes, I've known and loved him since the second that test turned positive, but meeting your child for the first time is an indescribable feeling.

"Let's get you changed," Averie says, laying him down on the bed. He's sleeping and he hasn't cried yet, only a little when he was born. I think we got extremely lucky with this one. "There's some people who want to meet you."

Someone from the team was able to run over to our house and pick up our hospital bags while Averie was in labour, I'm not exactly sure who because I think I was in a constant state of panic until the baby got here. I think I did a good job at hiding to though for Averie's sake.

When I see her open the baby's diaper, I quickly grab a towel from the diaper bag, realising I should probably have warned her that—

"Oh my god," She whisper yells, wide eyed at me. "He just pissed straight into the air."

Luckily I avoided any getting on us from throwing the towel down to cover him. I laugh, shaking my head at her. "You're supposed to point it down."

"How was I supposed to know that?" She purses her lips. "I don't have a penis. I don't know how they work."

"I think you know exactly how they work," I muse, nudging my shoulder against her's. I take over changing his diaper. "That's what got us this little guy."

Averie grins, patting her hand to my shoulder. "Congratulations, you just got yourself put on future diaper duty indefinitely."

Laughing, I get him changed into a fresh diaper while Averie roots through the bag, pulling out the very first outfit we ever brought for him all those months ago.

I carefully slide his arms and legs through the fabric, zipping the pale beige sleep suit with teddy bears printed on it up his little body.

I look up when I hear a snap of a photo to find Averie taking pictures of me and the baby, sobbing while she watches us. "This is too cute for me to handle right now," She says, laughing a little through her tears.

I gently place the baby in her arms, taking the phone from her. I hold it out at a distance from us, both smiling brightly when we take our first ever family picture.

"You should go get the team," Averie laughs, pushing against my shoulder. "They're probably dying out there."

I walk into the hospital waiting room, not surprised to see all of the team still here despite the fact that it's probably three a.m. at this point. They all look up when the door opens, wide eyed and eager for an update.

"Do you guys want to meet my son?"

I'm bombarded with hugs and congratulations from everyone, except Penelope. She on the other hand, bypasses me completely and practically takes off running down the hall towards our room.

Penelope already has the baby in her arms by the time we all follow her down the hall and into the room. "I love him so much," She sobs, tears streaming down her cheeks. "This tiny little human, a complete ball of happiness."

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