Is this a trick question?

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V


I lift my head from finishing my paperwork at the sound of Emily's voice.

"What are you doing for thanksgiving?"

Taking a quick look over my shoulder around the office I see the rest of the team starting to gather around, their bags already in hand ready to go home for the holiday.

"Spending it with Av-" I clear my throat, immediately realising my slip up. I try to keep my face neutral, closing my case file as I croak out, "My mom, I'm spending it with my mom."

Which is obviously a complete lie, and considering the way they all purse their lips with a curt nod, they know it too.

It would be pointless to go home for one day, I'd spend more time on the flight then I would get to spend with my mom. Next time I'll see her is when I go home for Christmas.

Luckily Averie doesn't have to work thanksgiving either so we agreed we're spending it together.

"If for some bizarre reason you don't make it to Vegas.." Penelope says, placing her hand on my shoulder giving it a squeeze. "You know you can spend it with us, right?"

I nod, sending her a thankful smile. "I know."

"I'm making extra," Rossi says, shooting me a subtle wink. "Just in case we have any unexpected guests."

Aka if I decide to bring Averie, who's name they actually don't know.

"I wouldn't say unexpected," Garcia waves him off, wiggling her eyebrows in my direction. "I'd say one specific highly anticipated guest."

Please don't push this. I sigh, "Garcia.."

"I know, I know." She throws her hands up, sauntering towards the glass doors. "God, why are you so difficult."

"Have a good thanksgiving pretty boy," Derek winks, following Garcia out of the bullpen.

Considering the way she's ranting and flailing her arms to Derek, its killing her to hold her tongue. The rest of the team too. They're profilers, They know.

But yet they act like they don't, always extending the invitation to bring an unexpected guest whenever they ask me to hang out. But I just act oblivious.

Although I hear their hushed conversations whenever they think I'm not listening. The teams latest debate was last week on the jet, while they thought I was sleeping.

I listened to them all whisper argue for an hour on what they thought Averie did for a living. My favorite guess had to be from Penelope, who said a international spy. She argued her case that Averie must be some super top secret spy that can't reveal her identity to too many people, possibly blowing her cover.

I really wonder what goes on inside her head sometimes. I bet it's a mix between images of baby animals, computer hacking codes and Derek's abs.

Needless to say, Averie is not an international spy. The closest thing to a spy she's been is once the other week she tried to scare me when I came out of the bathroom. What she didn't know was that I could see the shadow of her feet underneath the door. I let her think she scared me, just to see that smile that I love so much.

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