Bad hair day?

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

I found myself deep in thought looking out the jet window as the passing clouds. I'm glad to be on the way back to DC. Luckily, we caught the unsubs before they had a chance to hurt anyone else.

The unsubs were a married couple who liked to lure young girls to motels, strangle them to death and dump their bodies at the side of the highway. They left them wrapped in a shower curtain, which we were able to trace to a nearby motel, which led us to catching them.

But as I do with all the cases once they're done, I put it to the back of my mind and try to never think about it.

After being so wrapped up in the case for days, it's nice to finally have some piece knowing they are going to jail and can't hurt anyone ever again.

Now that I have a minute to think, I know exactly what I want to do when I get back.

I want to see Averie.

I have the perfect idea of where I want to take her on our next date. Since she told me on our first date her favourite season was fall, and it was finally transitioning from the summer to fall in DC, I had the perfect idea during dinner, but kept it to myself.

And yes, on our first date I was already planning the second.

I hadn't even realised I was smiling to myself until I was pulled from my thoughts by JJ taking the seat across from me. "Hey Spence, why are you so smiley?"

I look over to her with a small smile. "Just excited to go home."

She leans forward resting her elbows on the table separating us. "It seems like more, you know you can tell me anything right?"

But thankfully just as I open my mouth to reply, Emily joins us sliding into the spot next to her. "Hey guys. What are you talking about?"

Here's my out.

"There is this Russian film festival at the park today. Did you know—"

Emily holds her hand up. "Enough said." Causing JJ to roll her eyes at her, leaning back in her seat.

I laugh to myself and look down at my book, continuing where I left off.


When the jet landed I didn't stay to do paperwork, I just went straight to my car. Knowing it would only take me half the time to do my paperwork compared to the team.

Today was the perfect day to do what i have planned for my second date with Averie. Paperwork can wait.

When I got to my car, I threw my go bag in the backseat and got in the drivers side. I pulled out my phone from my pocket, calling her number.

It rang three times before I finally heard her voice that I so desperately wanted to hear all week working the case. "Hi, Spencer."

"Hi, I'm home from my case. I was actually wondering if your busy today?"

I really hope she's not busy, this is so last minute. I didn't even know I'd be home today.

"I just got home from work, so no. The rest of my day is free."

"Great, I'll pick you up in 20 minutes."

I hung up and breathed out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. I hope she likes what I have planned.

I parked outside her building and ran up to her door. I stop outside her door before knocking to steady my breath.

I'm not as nervous as I was when picking her up for our first date but still.

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