A gallon? I'd sell you for less

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

Don't freak out.

Averie's words repeat in my head on a loop.

Don't freak out.

I can't help it. "I'm freaking out!"

We've waited and prepared for this moment for over nine months now, so why does it feel like my head is exploding. I look down at the wet patch in her pants. "Are you sure?"

It's a valid question. Averie woke me up in the middle of the night a few days ago, frantic saying that she was going into labour. One panicky drive to the hospital later, we were told it was only Braxton hicks or false labour contractions she was experiencing. So we were sent back home, disappointed with no baby.

Averie glares at me. "Well I didn't piss myself so that really narrows down the options!"

"Okay, okay." I ramble, racking my brain for every bit of information I've read about labour and delivery. "How far do you think you're dilated?"

"Spencer, focus. Hospital. Now."

Okay, focus now. Freak out later. I think I can concentrate on that for now.

Keys, keys, keys. I pay the pockets in my jeans. I gasp when I find them empty. "I don't have my keys."

"Oh my god," Averie whines, hanging her head in her hands. "Our baby is going to be an idiot."

I think I might be in shock. "I'm panicking! Are you panicking?"

Averie takes this opportunity to reach over and slap the side of my head. "Go get the keys!"

"What the hell are you two yelling about?"

Both our heads snap towards the bullpen doors to see Derek, Penelope, Emily, Rossi, Hotch and JJ standing there, wondering what the commotion is.

Averie throws her hands up. "I'm kinda having a baby right now and Spencer chooses now to become brain dead."

"Oh my god!" Penelope beams as everyone makes their way over to us. "This is so exciting!"

JJ, cool, calm and collected, the exact opposite of me right now, asks,"Have your contractions started?"

"No I don't—" Averie sucks in a breath, wincing when she clutches her stomach. "Fuck, yeah they've started."

Seeing the pain appear on Averie's face seems to spring me into action, rapidly pressing the elevator door button again while she leans on me for support.

"And your water broke?" JJ asks.

"Yeah," Averie nods, grimacing in pain. "It still feels like it's coming out."

"Oh my god," Derek yells, pushing Penelope in front of him. "I'm in the splash zone."

Finally the elevator opens and I wrap my arm around Averie when we all step in, letting her squeeze my hand and cuss me out through the contractions.

Derek snickers. "Imagine if the elevator got stuck."

We all groan in unison. Leave it to him to put something like that in our heads in a moment of panic.

"Why the fuck would you say that?"

He shrugs. "Funny."

Needless to say when the elevator doors do open to the parking lot, we all breathe a sigh of relief.

"We'll meet you there," Hotch says, climbing into his car along with Rossi and Emily.

I get Averie into the back of Derek's car along with JJ, while Derek drives and Penelope hops in front with him. We're driving before I know it and Averie is still squeezing my hand through the contractions, taking steady breaths.

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