Wear a condom!

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

"Do you want to come with?" Averie asks, when she tells me over the phone that she's going out for drinks tonight with her friends from work.

"I'll have paper work." I sigh, holding the phone between my cheek and shoulder, finishing packing up my go bag. "But call me later? I'll pick you up?"

The team and I just finished a case we've been working in Georgia the past five days. We got called away the day after our road trip to Baltimore.

Needless to say we didn't see any meteors that night. But what I did figure out is that Averie is never driving us anywhere ever again.

With three orgasms in under ten minutes, when she said her legs felt like jelly, I for one was not letting her drive us home.

I may have even had to carry her to the car, not that I'm complaining.

"I can just get an Uber to yours." She offers, trying not to burden me, but it's the furthest thing from that.

I don't care what time it is, I'd rather know she's safe with me. Plus, I'm not waiting any longer to see her than I have to.

"No you won't." I say, checking around the hotel room, making sure I didn't forget anything. "I'm picking you up."

"Okay." She sighs in defeat, already knowing I won't give up. "I miss you."

I exhale, opening the hotel room door, counting down the minutes until I can see her. "I miss you too."

My face drops when I see Derek and JJ in the hallway. Muttering a quick goodbye, I put my phone in my bag hoping they didn't hear.

"Who do you miss pretty boy?" Derek smirks, tilting his head in my direction.

The team have had their suspicions as to why I'm suddenly so happy the past while, but I've always avoided the topic. They don't know about her yet and I want to keep it that way.

Not that I don't want to show her off, believe me I do. But in this work it's to dangerous. The more people that know, the more danger I put her in because of my job.

I'm not willing to put her in that position. I can't lose anyone else. I need to keep her safe from this world, safe means separate.

I know logically I can't keep her a secret forever, but I'm willing to for as long as in can.

"That was my mom." I say, avoiding eye contact, straightening my bag over my shoulder.

Derek narrows his eyes at me. "Liar."

"What?" I scoff, closing the door behind me, making my way to the elevator. "I am not."

The two followed close behind, coming to a stop beside me. JJ reaches over pressing the down button, "You're blushing Spence."

"Come on, Kid." Derek nudges my shoulder when we step into the elevator. "Spill."

I keep my eyes trained on the floor numbers decreasing, avoiding their curious stares. "Did you know elevators are considered one of the safest forms of transportation? They're significantly safer than taking an escalator or even a flight of stairs."

Derek rolls his eyes. "You do that on purpose, don't you?"

"Do what?"

"Spit off all these random facts to try to avoid the subject."

"No." I lie.

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