Jello, my favorite

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

There is nothing better than waking up from an undisturbed night in your own bed after a week of sleepless nights on shitty hotel mattresses.

When my eyes finally focus from the harsh morning light spilling through the curtains, I see Averie tucked into my chest, her leg still draped over my body.

I run my fingers through her hair, pressing a kiss to her temple. "Good mornin-"

Averie brings her finger to my mouth silencing me. "Not yet," She whispers, her eyes still screwed shut.

Rolling over I grab the aspirin and water from last night, holding them out to her. "Here, take these."

She slowly peaks one eye open, taking them from me with a grateful smile.

"Can I get you anything else?" I ask, as she swallows the pills with some water.

She slides back under the covers, bringing her hand to her forehead wincing in discomfort presumably from the pounding of her head. "A will to live?"

I laugh, peeling the covers away from her face. "How about we start with coffee?"


Averie opens the bathroom door, drying her hair with a towel. She leans again the door frame, eyeing me curiously. "We should go on a run."

I stop in my tracks and turn back to her in confusion. The same girl that said she felt like death thirty minutes ago now wants to go do a strenuous physical activity.

"I had to practically pull you out of bed, now you want to go on a run?"

"A shower and lots of caffeine and aspirin, I feel great now." She says, coming up behind me stealing my mug of coffee.

I take the coffee cup back from her hands, which would be her third one this morning. "That can't be healthy."

"Beats the hangover," She shrugs, reaching over and taking it from me again. "So?" She prompts, taking a sip.

"I can't run."

"Come on," She pleads, running her hands up my bare chest. "I'm sure you look hot after you workout."

"Okay," I sigh in defeat, wrapping my arms around her waist. "But you're not allowed to laugh at me."

"Why would I laugh at you?"

Just wait for it.


"I said you weren't allowed to laugh."

"I'm s-sorry," she chokes out, wiping the tears of laughter from under her eyes. "I'm just imagining that's the way you run when you're in the field."

I slap her ass when she walks back into my apartment in front of me. "Shut up." I say, holding back my smile.

We only managed about ten minutes of actual running and twenty minutes of Averie laughing at me. Which is what I expected to be honest when she suggested the idea.

"That was tougher than usual." She sighs, leaning against the kitchen counter. "I used to go on a run every morning before I met you."

I turn back to her after grabbing two water bottles from the fridge, handing one to her. "You still can."

She gulps down the water before answering, wrapping her arms around my neck. "But I want to stay in bed with you."

"I like your thought process."

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