You give me a headache sometimes

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V


"Wake up."


Averie's whispered voice pulls me from my sleep, fighting to keep a smile off my face when she lets out a frustrated sigh, beginning to poke her finger into my cheek.

"I know you're awake," She grumbles, feeling her body shift in the bed, climbing on top of me. "Get up, please."

I turn my head to the side and bury my face into the pillow with a groan. "It's too early."

Averie giggles, swatting my chest gently with her hand. "You don't even know what time it is."

I haven't even opened my eyes yet but I can already tell there's harsh morning light flooding the room. "Don't care." I mumble into the fabric.

"I'm naked."

I slowly peak one eye open, a pout on my lips when I find out she's lying. That pout quickly turns into a grin at her bright smile beaming down at me, hair piled on top of her head and face bare, just how I love it.

My tongue darts out to wet my bottom lip when my eyes drag over the outline of her curves, only clad in a thin white tank top that does absolutely nothing to hide the perfect pink nipples poking through, down to the sliver of her stomach showing and her little white cotton panties. Averie likes to tell me that they're not meant to be sexy, but fuck, yes they are. My hands run over the smooth skin of her legs straddling my waist, cock twitching against where it's nudging the inside of her thigh through the bedsheets.

Happy birthday to me.

"That was mean," I point my finger towards her. "You can't be mean to me today."

"Right," She says, teeth sinking into her bottom lip. Her finger traces a path down my chest, peering up at me beneath her lashes. "Today's your birthday."

I prop myself up on my elbows, raising a teasing brow. "Is it?"

As if I could forget, she's reminded me everyday this week. She even woke me up last night just to say happy birthday when the clock turned to midnight. It's not even a big birthday, but it feels nice having someone that cares enough to make it feel like it is.

She ducks her head, humming when she presses her lips all over my torso. "It is."

Spending all day in bed sounds like the perfect way to celebrate. "Why do I have to get up?"

I watch as she hooks her thumbs into the waistband of my boxers, pulling them down until my cock springs free. Her eyes meet mine, "Because I can't suck your dick if you're asleep."

I watch as she perches herself between my parted legs, mouth trailing small kisses against the skin on my navel. I tuck a fallen piece of hair behind her ear. "Remind me again why I ever doubt you?"

Her hand grips me at the base, swirling her tongue slowly around the head. "Been asking myself that same question, bud."

My mouth drops open. "Don't 'bud' me when my dick is in your mouth."

She releases me with a pop, amusement shining in her eyes. "You don't do this with all your friends?"

A laugh bubbles in my chest, "Shut the fuck up."

Her lips meet the tip of my cock when she murmurs, "Make me."

"Open." I cup her chin in my hand, guiding my cock into her mouth. "Suck."

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