Stop looking at my wife's boobs

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

"It's so sad."

I hum softly, rubbing my hands in comforting circles up and down Averie's back, both our attention focused on the tv.

She sniffles, sobbing into my chest. "Why did you pick this one?"

I wince, knowing this is completely my fault for thinking that a kids movie would be a safe bet on not making her cry. But of course I chose the original Lion King, obviously completely forgetting about the most tragic scene of Mufasa dying by stampede.

"He deserved better," She cries, watching Simba nestle himself underneath his dead dad's arm. "Fuck you Scar!"

Note to self, this is another movie I'm making the executive decision to ban watching until she's not pregnant anymore. The list is so long already I think it might be easier to make one of what we are actually able to watch.

I suck in a breath, reaching for the remote and pausing the movie. I need to distract her before she cries herself to dehydration.

"You know.." I say and she moves to rest her chin on my chest, blinking away the tears at me. "There's a myth that says if you're really emotional during pregnancy that means the baby is a girl."

"A girl," She gasps, looking like her mind is racing a mile a minute. "I want it to be a girl. No, I want a boy. No— I don't know."

I bite back a laugh, brushing her hair from her face. "Is indecisiveness a pregnancy symptom?"

Averie lets out a quiet laugh, face breaking out into a huge smile. "No, but the male gene decides the gender of the baby so.." She pokes her finger into my chest, raising an eyebrow. "I think it's a girl. You have girl dad energy."

"Girl dad energy?" I repeat, my head rolling back onto the armrest of the couch when I chuckle. "What does that mean?"

"I don't know how to explain it," She shrugs, grinning at me. "You just do."

Well, whatever vibe I give off that I'd be good at playing dress up and painting nails, I don't care wether it's with a boy or a girl, I'm just excited to be a dad.

Our conversation is interrupted by a knock at our front door, two familiar voices making their way inside.


"In the living room!"

The click of the light switch sounds and Averie and I wince when the room brightens. As expected, Penelope and Derek are standing by the door, and when their eyes land on us, confusion crosses their faces at the sight in front of them.

"This is what married people do on a Friday night?" Derek chuckles, scrubbing a hand across his jaw. "Remind me never to get married."

Averie laughs, climbing off my chest, settling into the other side of the couch and wiping her tears stained cheeks with the sleeve of her hoodie.

Penelope frowns, taking a step closer to her. "Why are you crying?"

Averie, who's still clearly not over the tragic scene we just watched, bites down on her bottom lip when it trembles, nodding her head to the tv where it's paused on Simba finding Mufasa dead.

Derek shakes his head, pointing at the tv. "Nah, that's understandable. Disney was wrong for that."

I laugh, switching the tv off and focusing my attention on the two dressed up team members standing in my living room. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We're going out!" Penelope grins. "So go get dressed."

They've been trying to get us to go to the bar with them for weeks now, but obviously Averie can't drink and we haven't told the team she's pregnant yet so we always get out of it.

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