Humour me for a second?

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

Friday is my favourite day of the week.

Making it back to my apartment after work with no new case, knowing I now have two full days to spend with Averie.

She worked a twelve hour shift today so once I get off the phone from ordering us dinner, I decide to run her a bath so she can relax.

I light some candles and dim the lights, adding her favorite essential oils and bubble bath, filling the tub with hot water knowing it will be the perfect temperature by the time she gets here.

Just as I lay out a towel on the bathroom counter, I hear the key turn in the lock.

Closing the bathroom door behind me, I trail out into the kitchen just as she steps in the front door.

Averie's face brightens when she sees me, dropping her bag and keys on the side table. "Hi."

A smile settles on my lips when I pull her in my arms, dipping my head to press my lips to hers. "Hi."

I tuck a piece of hair that has fallen from her ponytail behind her ear and she gives me a tired smile, leaning into me.

"How was work?"

"Just paper work," I answer. "You?"

"The typical Iv's and catheters," Her hand pats my chest. "You know the drill."

"You're back late," I glance at the clock, noticing it's past the time when she usually gets here. "Did you do overtime?"

"No," She shakes her head. "I had to run downtown to get new work shoes."


Her shoulders lift in a shrug. "Mia puked on mine this morning."

My brows pull together. Is this what she meant by her typical day? what the hell is not typical?

Her corners of her lips quirk up at my confused expression, "Morning sickness." She explains. "She's in her first trimester."

Ah, now that makes more sense. "I see, how is she?"

"She's good," She smiles warmly. "Other than nearly punching Alex every ten minutes for how she likes to put it 'impregnating her with a demon child.'"


When I get her pregnant she's not going to want to punch me every ten minutes, will she?

Brushing that thought off for now, I notice she still has her hands secured behind her back. When I tilt to the side, she turns with me, keeping whatever it is hidden.

I raise an eyebrow, "What do you have there?"

She beams, bouncing on her toes. "I got you a present."

"A present? It's not my birthday."

"Does it have to be your birthday for your girlfriend to get you a present?"

I narrow my eyes at her.

"The answer is no Spence," She reveals a little black bag from behind her back, ushering into my hands. "Now open."

I take the bag, smiling just watching the excitement on her face when I reach inside.

What I pull out is a pair of socks, halloween themed of course. Black with little orange pumpkins all over them. It makes me think back to one of our first dates when I brought her to the pumpkin patch.

It's a small gesture, but the thought that she was thinking of me when she saw something as simple as a pair of socks as my throat tightening.

I reach into the bag again and pull out more pairs of socks, white ones with bats on them, ones with skeletons, ghosts and spiders.

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