Say it again

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

Averie winces at the harsh light when we step out of the restaurant and I wrap my arm around her, using my hand to shield the flashing police lights from her eyes.

"Does it hurt?"

"A little," She says, bringing her palm to the back of her head. "That bitch got me good."

I guide her over to the ambulance that's already waiting, shrugging off my jacket and draping it over her shoulders.

The EMT gets to work on checking her out, concluding that she doesn't have a concussion, just some minor bruising that will go away in a few days.

"Do you think I should take her to the hospital?" I ask the EMT. "Just in case?"

"Spencer," Averie whines, squeezing my hand. "He's been telling you I'm fine for ten minutes now."

He has, but I'm just worried.

"She's going to be okay," The EMT chuckles, tucking away his stethoscope. "Just put some ice on it when you get home."

"Okay," I sigh in defeat, taking a seat on the back of the ambulance beside Averie. "I'll make sure we do that."

Averie rests her head against my shoulder, hugging my arm. She traces her finger in circles against my skin, "Are you okay?"

"Me?" My brows crease. "I'm fine."

"Physically, yes." She lifts her head from my shoulder, eyes meeting mine. "But how are you actually doing?"

I take a minute to contemplate her question, no one's asked me that in a while. When I stare into those eyes looking at me how she always has, I smile. "I'm good now."

Averie juts her head to the side and I look over to see the team approaching us.

"Don't be mad at them Spence," She drops her voice. "I was so scared and they were really nice to me."

My eyes soften and I lace my fingers through her's and press a kiss to her temple. "I know."

Penelope doesn't even say anything, just pulls Averie into her arms and wraps her up in a tight hug.

"What's your favorite kind of chocolate?" Garcia asks, pulling back to look at Averie. "Because I'm making you a care basket whether you like it or not."

A soft laugh spills from my girlfriend's lips, "Anything but dark chocolate." Her nose scrunches up, "Dark chocolate is gross."

Derek raises a teasing eyebrow, sweeping his hand out. "Hey!"

"Actual dark chocolate," She flicks his forehead. "You, I like."

"Yeah, yeah I'll remember that one," Derek laughs, rolling his eyes before wrapping her up in his arms next. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Thank you so much Derek," Averie whispers when she hugs him back. "For everything."

A round of hugs follow with the rest of the team and Derek pulls me to the side, bringing me just out of earshot of everyone.

"I'm telling you this because I love you, kid." He raises an eyebrow, "Marry that damn girl."

A soft chuckle leaves my lips when I nod, "I will."

His eyes still filled with regret meet mine, "We good?"

I know the team only kept this from me because they thought it was the right thing to do, and I don't know if it was, but everything turned out okay.

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