Come on, I'll grind on your dick

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

We fucked up.

If you had asked me an hour ago how I thought Averie and I would spend the night we got engaged, I would have said at home by the fire, wrapped up in each others arms and talking about our future together.

How I didn't imagine it, was sitting in a DC jail cell, freezing my ass off with a severe case of blue balls, talking about a possible indecent exposure charge.

Take a wild guess on how we are spending tonight.

"Okay, it's not that bad."

I groan, looking around the dark jail cell. "It's pretty bad, Averie."

When she doesn't respond to me, I look around to see her holding her ring out in front of her face, legs swinging back and forth underneath the bench as she grins at it.

"This is a misdemeanour." I deadpan. "If we are found guilty of this, which we are by the way," I shoot her a pointed look. "We could be fined up to 500 dollars or put into prison for up to 90 days, or both."

In our defence, it was 11pm and there was absolutely no body in the park. Well, except a cop doing his rounds for the night.

Getting caught by a cop shouting and trying to tackle me while my pants were around my ankles with my dick still in my fiancée, is not one of my finest moments.

Averie however, had no shame. Standing there half naked explaining to the cop how I had just proposed, me frantically trying to cover her up. She even tried to show him the ring, needless to say, he didn't care.

Apparently cops don't care that you just got engaged if your found in a very compromising position in the middle of a public park.

Who would have known?

Me. But absolutely all my sense went out the window when Averie climbed on top of me.

And to top it all off, I didn't grab my badge when we left home, because I didn't really plan on having to use it when I was proposing. So of course with no badge, the cop didn't believe I was FBI. If I had it with me, we probably would have gotten away with a warning.

Which is exactly how we both ended up in this holding cell.

I've already used my one phone call. I called Hotch hoping he can straighten this all out.

Averie takes my hand in hers. "Spence, stop stressing." She drags me to sit down on the bench beside her, putting a stop to my nervous pacing.

I scoff, "How are you not stressing?"

"Nothing can ruin my mood, we just got engaged." She shrugs before continuing. "Well, maybe being kidnapped again might, but beggars can't be choosers."

My face drops. "That's not funny."

She shrugs again. "Dark humour."

We sit in complete silence for a few minutes, my mind racing a million miles a minute, and Averie still swinging her legs back and forth, humming happily as she stares at her ring.

And then she starts to laugh.

My mouth drops open when I turn to her. "Don't laugh."

"Come on," She rolls her eyes and shoves against my shoulder. "It's funny."

I don't want to give in, but my lips twitch up a little, her laughter is contagious.

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