I feel like a stripper

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

The corner of my mouth lifts in a smirk when my eyes narrow slightly. "I can?"

Averie's head leans to the side, studying me when she nods her head. "You can."

A low chuckle leaves my lips when I lean forward on the couch until I'm close enough to touch her. The tips of my fingers dance underneath the robe, gripping the skin on the back of her thighs. Averie let's out a small gasp when I tug her towards me.

"Actually.." I tilt my chin up and her hazel eyes flicker to mine. "I think I want you to do it for me."

"You do?"

I hum, reaching down to palm myself. Her smile lights up her face and the next thing I know my back hits the couch when she places her hands on my shoulders, pushing me gently back. I shift my hips and scoot down further into the seat, my dick already straining against my jeans.

She takes the ties of the robe and loosens them with a soft tug before letting it fall off her shoulders to pool on the ground beneath her.

And when the fabric hits the floor, along with it goes my jaw.

There are too many thoughts in my head right now and I don't know where to look first. My eyes bounce over the satin emerald green lingerie set she's wearing, edged with black lace trim. A matching garter belt hugs the curve of her waist, two suspenders descending down her stomach, attached to a pair of sheer black stockings.

My teeth sink into my knuckles, careful not to move and create any friction because if I do, I'm gone.

The tip of her finger flutters over the fabric barely holding her tits together. "You like?"

I'm pretty sure I fucking whimper. My tongue darts out to wet my bottom lip and I nod. "I love."

Averie leans forward, arching over me when she slowly starts to unbutton my shirt. Her cleavage spills over her delicate bralet, lips following a path down my skin when as she exposes my chest.

On the last button, she gets down on her knees between my legs. Her hands ghost up my legs, over my thighs, nails grazing my stomach before she stops at my shoulders. She drags the shirt off my arms, throwing it on the couch.

When she stands and turns, I bite my tongue as a distraction when she sits her round ass on my lap, nestling into the space between my legs.

My hands grip her on either side of her hips, thumbs setting into the dimples on her lower back, like they were made for me. And no one can convince me they weren't.

She grinds her ass down into my cock, slow and teasing. She circles her hips as she leans forward, arching her back. Averie gathers her silky brown hair over her shoulder, looking back at me while a soft moan escapes her lips.

A low groan sounds in my throat and my head falls to the back of the couch, taking in every movement she makes. I run my hand down her spine, over the intricate straps of her lace lingerie as she pushes down harder.

The sound that rumbles in my chest causes her to bite her bottom lip between her teeth. "Does that feel good?"

My eyes flutter shut, humming in response.

Averie straightens, still circling and grinding her hips on me when she laces her fingers through mine. She drags them up her sides, over her stomach stopping at her tits. I palm them in my hands, pinching at her nipples through the satin emerald fabric.

I lean forward and attach my lips to her neck, sucking at the skin. Averie's head falls back against my shoulder, a small gasp leaving her lips that sends a jolt straight to my cock.

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