Eat, sleep, be crazy

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

Sometimes I love being pregnant.

I got to do one of my favorite things yesterday, spending money on things for the baby, and now I get to sit on the couch and watch as Spencer lugs all of the many boxes upstairs.

He told me that I wasn't allowed to help him, but I feel bad that he's huffing and puffing by the time he's on his sixth trip up and down.

I sigh, sitting up. "I can help with some."

Spencer picks up one of the last boxes, already making his way up the stairs when he calls over his shoulder, "Your ass better stay in that seat."

Our doorbell rings when Spencer reaches the top of the stairs.

"Am I at least allowed to answer the door?" I teasingly yell up to him.

"That you can do!"

I'm laughing as I make my way over to the door. I open it up to find Derek and Penelope's smiling faces on the other side.

"Since when did you guys learn how to use our doorbell?"

Derek smirks, letting Penelope walk in before him. "We're trying something new."

"I love that you're pregnant.." Penelope smiles, trying her best to pull me into her arms. "But I hate that it's getting harder and harder to hug you."

I laugh, bringing my hand to my six month bump. "My stomach was touching the steering wheel when I got into the car the other morning."

Penelope giggles. "If the baby could kick on queue, it could honk the horn for you."

We're setting up the nursery today and obviously had to call Derek over to help us with building the furniture and Penelope is completely hands on with anything 'baby genius' related, so of course she wanted to help and I love her for that.

Derek grabs his tool box and the last box Spencer didn't get up the stairs yet and follows Penelope and I up to the baby's room.

Spencer painted the walls a light sage green yesterday, another thing I wasn't allowed to help with, so when we walk in the smell of fresh paint greets us.

I turn my attention to the bags Penelope sets down. "What's all that?"

"I had to get these for the baby," She pouts, pulling out some stuffed animals. She holds out a little gray elephant towards me. "Look how cute it is, how could I not?"

"Pen," I laugh when she starts to take piles of baby clothes out of the second bag. "You didn't have to get all of this."

"With this job I need some sort of therapy," She grins, pumping her eyebrows. "I choose retail therapy."

Spencer chuckles, shaking his head when he starts to take the crib out of the box. "The baby already has more clothes than me."

"I got neutral things since you haven't told me the gender yet," Penelope says, helping me start to fold the baby clothes. "When are you finding out?"

I narrow my eyes at Spencer, shooting him a glare. "We're not."

Spencer throws his hands up, rolling his eyes. "I want it to be a surprise. Sue me."

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