Kick him in the balls for me?

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

I've never seen Spencer so angry. If looks could kill, Tommy would be six feet under by now.

I can practically feel the rage radiating off of him while I stand there, frozen, watching as Spencer lands three more harsh punches to Tommy's face before either of us even realise it's happening.

Tommy stumbles back from the sheer force of Spencer's hits and he catches himself from falling over by grabbing ahold to the porch railing. His eyes flicker to mine while he brings his hand to his busted lip which is now spouting blood. "Boyfriend?"

"Husband," Spencer taunts, flexing out his now bloody knuckles. "My ring left a nice indent on your cheek if you don't believe me."

Whenever I would talk to Spencer about what I went through in my last relationship, he would always be calm, listening intently when I needed to vent and support and validate my feelings. But I could always tell it made him furious, even though he tried his best not to show it. Until now. He's angry and this is his revenge for me.

"I'm only going to ask you this once," Spencer sneers, taking a step closer to him. "What the fuck do you think you're doing here?"

Tommy holds his hands up, giving one shake of his head. "I didn't come here for a fight."

Spencer lets out a humourless laugh, grabbing him by the collar and pinning him to the wall. He tilts his head in a condescending way. "So you can dish it out but you can't take it?"

Tommy coughs, swallowing harshly from where he's gripped by the neck. "I wasn't going to hurt her."

Spencer's jaw ticks. "You're right. You're not going to touch her. Don't even look at her."

I force myself to look away when Spencer hits him again.

And again.

And again.

"This is what you did to her, didn't you?" Spencer seethes. "You knew she was too good to leave you and you took advantage of that."

I don't even try to say anything or step in because I already know there is absolutely nothing I could say to make him stop. He has this fire in his eyes, and knowing the hell Tommy put me through, this is Spencer getting payback for me. Not that that makes it okay, but it's all happening so fast.

Needless to say, I'm so grateful when I see the two black SUV's pull into our driveway and the team coming rushing towards the commotion.

"What the hell is going on?" Hotch yells, jumping in and wrapping his arms around and pulling Spencer away. "Stop, Spencer! Stop!"

Without Spencer holding his weight up, Tommy's back slides down against the wall until he's practically slumped over, his face now all bloody. He definitely has two black eyes, maybe only a broken nose and jaw if he's lucky.

Now that the team gets a somewhat better view of Tommy, albeit his face is more bloody than not, they definitely all recognise him from having seen his photo before.

"Is that.." Derek rages, lunging forward. "You son of a bitch."

It's now Rossi who has to step in and stop Derek from getting a few punches in. Emily is quick to handcuff Tommy and cart him off towards the SUV, making sure he's in the car and the door is closed before Hotch finally stops holding Spencer back.

I don't even think I could describe the mixture of feelings I'm experiencing right now, but if it wasn't for JJ and Penelope by my side I'm positive I would have passed out by now.

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