And you swallow

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

"No, no, Penelope put your feet behind Derek's head."

"My legs don't bend that way!"

Spencer and I can't stop laughing watching them on the living room floor trying to attempt one of the last positions in the game.

Despite the fact that nearly everyone has gone home by now, the second we explained what game we were playing, Derek was quick to jump in and pair with Penelope.

Emily switched to partner with JJ, who have both been tucked away in the corner laughing together quietly for hours.

And somehow I even got Spencer to play a round or two with me, a fact that he's going to regret when he's sober tomorrow.

"Amateur's," Spencer whispers lowly to me, watching all four of them, tangled messes of limbs on the floor.

"Alright pretty boy," Derek mocks. "Show us how it's done."

Before I can even blink twice, Spencer pulls me into him by my hips, basically bending me in half when he throws my legs over his shoulders and pushes my knees to my chest.

I may be drunk but I'd recognise the look in his eyes right now anywhere. I'm getting railed tonight.

"Bedtime," I laugh, tapping against his shoulder to release me.

JJ groans, picking up her phone. "It's almost 4am already."

"You guys can crash here if you want," I say, turning my head to the group. "There's two guest rooms upstairs."

Derek pulls a face, "I'll stay if your walls are soundproof."

"They are," Spencer chuckles, a fact that I'm extremely grateful for right now.

So Derek, Penelope, JJ and Emily agree to stay, deciding that it's easier then trying to get Ubers this late.

"You," Penelope circles her hand around Derek's face. "You are in with me."

Derek smirks, following her up the stairs. "I'd sleep with you any day, baby girl."

"I guess we're together," JJ turns to Emily and shrugs.

Emily raises an eyebrow, making her way to the stairs. "I guess so."

Mine and Spencer's questioning looks follow them as they giggle quietly, climbing up the stairs together.

Shrugging it off when our eyes meet, I lean over and crawl onto Spencer's lap. His hands slide over the back of my thighs, lifting me up until I wind my legs around his waist. I make sure he grabs the gift bags the girls got me before he walks us up the stairs.

I giggle, peppering his jaw with small kisses. "Did you enjoy your dance earlier?"

"Absolutely not." A visible shiver runs down his spine when he closes our bedroom door behind him. "Why would you encourage that?"

My back sinks into our mattress when he sets me down, nudging himself between my parted legs. I shrug, "That was your last time seeing anyone else naked."

He grunts, nipping at the exposed skin of my chest from my tank top. "I could have lived without that."

I laugh when he uses my boobs as a pillow, threading my fingers through his hair. "Did you have fun tonight?"

"Besides that awful ten minutes?" He lifts his head and meets my eyes. "I did. Did you?"

"So much fun," I grin, pointing to the gift bags. "I have some things I want to show you."

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