Dude, you violated my sister

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

After successfully catching yet another unsub, I roll my shoulders back while opening up the back door of the SUV, unclipping my bullet proof vest.

Derek comes to a stop beside me, nudging his shoulder against mine. "Another day, another door kicked down."

I slip the vest off over my head, laughing at how smug he looks. "You really do enjoy doing that, don't you?"

"It takes skill." He gives me a duh look, nodding his head. "It's an art. Call me Picasso."

I wave my hand in the general direction of the house we just busted up. "That is not art. If you weren't in the FBI, we'd call you a vandal."

He scoffs, leaning back against the car. "You're just jealous that you can't do it."

I shrug. "I can."

He snorts. "You wish—"

"Just because I don't doesn't—"

"Please, no fighting," JJ groans, coming to a stop between us and pushing us apart. "I can't listen to you two the whole flight home."

"Home?" I ask, smiling at the thought of seeing my wife today. "We're going back tonight?"

"Jack has a soccer game tomorrow," Hotch says, pulling out his phone. "I'd like to get home tonight."

Derek twirls the keys around on his finger, climbing into the drivers seat. "Fine by me."

Usually when we finish cases this late, we stay the night and fly home in the morning. But I'm so happy we're getting to go home tonight because if not, I would have missed Averie's three month check up with the doctor tomorrow morning.

We're all settled on the jet ten minutes later, and it feels so good to be going home after almost a week away on this case.

I slip my phone from my back pocket, unlocking it and texting Averie.

I'm just about to tuck my phone away when it buzzes again, another message from my wife

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I'm just about to tuck my phone away when it buzzes again, another message from my wife.

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